Chapter Ten

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What is Christian doing here? I thought he would stay away from this place for a while. I feel horrible and sick to my stomach. "Christian what are you doing here? I thought you were going to stay at the hotel for a while."

"I was but changed my mind. I was coming to get you back but it looks like I'm to late since your straddling your ex." All of the sudden I realized I was still on Asher's lap. I quickly jumped off and grabbed my shirt and I ran over to Christian.

"I didn't plan this it kind of just happened." I look back and smiled at Asher. I go and touch Christian's shoulder but he knocks my hand away.

"Don't touch me. I thought we had something special but I guess not. You can stay with this loser because I never want to see you again!" I feel tears coming to my eyes. He turns away from me.

"Fine be that way. We were never together in the first place." I turn away and I start heading back to Asher when I feel someone grab my wrist and pulled me back.

"Yes we were Katy but you just don't want to admit it. I know you love me. You are probably just confused and you don't know what your doing."

"No I don't love you, I love Asher!" I feel Christians grip tighten around my arm. "Please let me go." I start to cry of fear. "Your hurting me, let go." I try to get away from him but his grip is to strong. He had a face of pure hatred and I was scared that he was going to hurt me. I didn't know what to do. I was so scared.

"Fine but I don't want to see you again, you whore!" He shoves me down to the ground and walks out and slams the door. I am left there lying on the floor crying my eyes out. I can't believe this. I knew Christian was a bad idea. The next thing I know I feel Asher put his arms around me. I sit up and I bury my face in his chest.

"I am so sorry you had to see that." I feel bad that he saw us fight plus I brought him into the middle of it. I am such a horrible person. I should just lock myself up so I can't hurt anyone else that I care about.

"Katy it's not your fault. He is just jealous and upset. You don't deserve someone like that, you need someone to treat you like a princess." He lifts my chin and gives me one of those amazing smiles that always makes me feel better.

"I don't feel like a princess, I feel like a whore for leading him on." He looks me in the eye.

"Don't say that, you are not a whore. You are the total opposite of that." I give him a weak smile. I feel so lucky to have Asher back in my life.

"You always know how to make me feel better." I sit up and I wipe my tears away. "Thank you for sticking with me. I feel bad you had to see that."

"It's fine, I am glad I can be here to comfort you. Im just glad he didn't hurt you."

"I'm glad he didn't too. I almost thought he would have but I think he didn't because you were here."

"Yep, he's just to scared to fight me I mean I am pretty tough." He pretends to flex and I laugh. "Anyways now that your happier do you want to finish the movie?"

"Yes let's go." Asher helps me up and we head to the couch. We sit down and I rest me head on his shoulder and he puts his arm around me and kisses my forehead.

Christian's POV

I am so mad right now. I can't believe she did that. I thought we had something special but I guess I was wrong. Even though I am mad I still feel bad for hurting Katy. I shouldn't have grabbed her arm and pushed her down like that. I guess I am just mad at Asher for making everything worse. Man I really hate that guy.

I head to the bar because I really need a drink to calm my nerves. This has been the worst day of my life. I lost the girl I love to some loser and now I don't even know what to do. I mean how can I live in the same house with the girl I love knowing she doesn't love me back.


Here you go, sorry I haven't updated for a while. I have just been really busy lately. Sorry if it's short and sorry for any mistakes! I'll try to make a longer one next time. Thanks for the support, please enjoy it. Please tell me if you like it! Vote and comment!!

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