Chapter Eight

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I was so nice to be home and away from Christian. He probably is super mad that I left without saying goodbye. I just couldn't face him. I wish I had never got myself involved with him. Yes I know it was only for two days but those two days should have never happened. I need to stay away from him. I go up to my room and I just collapse on my bed and fall into a deep sleep.

I wake up around 12 in the afternoon. Wow I slept really good. I make my way downstairs to the kitchen to get something to eat. I ask the chef to make me some eggs. I waited at the dinning room table for my food. I turned on the TV on the wall. The Olympics were on. The chef brought me my meal and I had a nice quite afternoon. It was drama free and best of all no Christian. I was just about to go upstairs when the phone rings. Crap I knew he would call me. I really don't want to pick it up but I better so he doesn't get even more mad at me. Maybe we could just be friends instead. I take a deep breath and picked up the phone. "Hello"

"Hello. Is this Katy?" I didn't recognize the voice. It defiantly wasn't Christian.

"Umm yes... and who is this?

"Its Asher." I was shocked. How did he get my number?

"How did you get my number?"

"I asked your mom. I called her and she told me that you lived with your dad." God why did my mom have to tell him. She knows we ended badly.

"Well what do you want?"

"I just wanted to see how you were. I also wanted to apologize for wrecking your date last night. It wasn't my place to do that to you."

"I am fine you don't need to check up on me. We aren't together anymore and if you kept you mouth shut last night then me and my boyfriend would be okay but we aren't." There was silence on the other end. Wow I can't believe I just yelled him at that. I am horrible.

"Well I am sorry for wrecking your night. Goodbye Katy."

"Wait! Don't hang up. I am sorry for yelling at you. I guess I am just mad at my self for everything."

"Its okay I don't blame you for being upset. Can I help you with anything?"

"Actually could you come over tonight. I don't really want to be alone."

"I would love to come over. What time?"

"Does eight work?"

"Yep that's good with me."

"Awesome well see ya later tonight bye"

"Bye" I know hanging out with my ex-boyfriend isn't a good thing but I really don't care. Me and him need to clear the air plus I really just don't want to be be alone. Hopefully this will be a good choice and not a bad on like the ones I made the past two days.


Sorry for the long wait. Life got in the way. Sorry for any mistakes but I hope you enjoy it! Comment and Vote! Love you guys!!

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