Chapter Five

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After me and Christian had breakfast, I went to have a shower while he cleaned up. He called the hotel to bring up some sweats and a shirt so I didn't just have to wear his shirt or my dress. The hotel brought up some sweats and a pink T-shirt. I threw it on and put my hair in a ponytail. I didn't look all that good but I really didn't care. I came out of the bathroom to find Christian sitting on the couch watching some hockey. "Umm hey." He turned around and smiled.

"Hello there. Your looking quite cute." He motions for me to come and sit next to him. I come and sit next to him.

"So what's the score and whose playing?"

"The Boston Bruins vs The Toronto Maple Leaves. The score is 3-0 Boston. Do you like to watch hockey?'

"Nice, I was hoping they were winning and yes I do. When I was little my dad used to take me to every game." I give a smile remembering the old times when my parents were still together.

"That's amazing! Why did he stop?' He shifts his body so that he can look at me.

"Well things got tough and my parents divorced and he moved away. I never really heard from him so I just stopped all communication with him until my mom forced me to live with him." I look down at my hands feeling ashamed of my past because I didn't have a perfect family. Christian places his hand under my chin and moves my head so that I am looking into his eyes.

"Don't feel bad, my parents were divorced too. I know exactly how you feel and I don't blame you for being mad at him." He smiles and gives me a hug squeezing me tight in his arms. I love the feeling that comes over me. I dig my face into his neck and I let the rest of myself sink into him. When we move away from each other we are both smiling. He really has an amazing smile. "If you ever need anything I am hear for you. I hope you know that."

"Well I do now." I give him another quick hug. "So when are we going to head back to my dad's house?"

"He is gone for two weeks so I was thinking we could stay here for a couple of days. That is if you want to. We can go now if you want to."

"No it's fine we can stay here. It will be nice to not be in that house for a while and to be away from Gerald too." He laughs.

"Yep he can be quite annoying especially when I bring girls home." He smiles but I don't. "What did I say something wrong?'

"Oh it's nothing, I was just surprised that you know what never mind. It's not important." I give a fake smile and I hope he buys it. I feel weird knowing that he has been with other girls and has probably had sex with them. I guess I am just scared that I will be another number to him. He gives me a worried look.

"Are you sure? Is it about the girls because I am sorry of that upset you. If it makes you feel better I am not seeing anyone." I feel a little relieved but I don't know why I was so worried. It's not like we are together or anything.

"Oh I thought you were or at least I don't know maybe liked someone." I shrug.

"Who says I don't like anyone?" He gives me a smile and I feel sick inside. I knew he liked someone, I am just wasting my time.

"Oh well what's her name and what is she like?" I really didn't care but I just needed to know who my completion is.

"Well she has an amazing personality, is really funny, always puts a smile on my face, and always speaks her mind." I look away and I hug myself. I don't know why I always fall for the wrong people I mean he is ten years older then me. He probably likes someone is own age.

"She sounds nice." I should have never asked. It was a bad idea.

"She is actually and you should know it because you know her." I turn and look at him shocked.

"I do?" Why did I have to know this girl? This just makes everything even worse then it already was.

"Yes because she is you." He smiles.

"What? You can't be serious I just met you. This must be a dream." I pinch myself and he laughs. Nope not a dream, this really is happening. I just sit there stunned. He takes my hand in his and looks into my eyes.

"Its true I really do like you." He kisses me on my cheek. "So what should we do today beautiful?"


Sorry for not updating I have just been really busy. Hope you guys are liking it. I will try to make a longer chapter for the next one! If you guys have any ideas please let me know!!

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