~Chapter 2~

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When I speak of them, I mean the monsters of course. I don't really remember when the monster had come into play as a threat to Mewni. I do remember playing board games as a child that were monster based in which the monsters in the game had a focused objective to eat the babies. I remember being told to stay away from the outskirts of the village or else the monster would get me. Most of all, I remember meeting an innocent little monster about the same age as I was at the time...6 years old. Nothing special about the thing, just that it seemed like a pile of green goop with 17 eyes and a fang filled mouth. He wasn't menacing...it was actually pretty kind to me. I got caught playing with it and got in trouble. I cried when the other villagers chased it out of the village and nearly killed it. I don't remember or recall any monster actually doing something awful to any mewman at all. Even past queen Eclipsa tried to run away with her monster lover, but it simply ended badly for them. So what had they done wrong? I shook my head and remembered that now we were bordering our biggest war with the monsters, and that kind of sweet thinking can get me into a lot of trouble. I had finally been seen as honored rather than strange and I wanted to keep my title instead of people fearing me because of my monster like immortality.

"She was...killed by one of my generals!" The monster that they had brought in to interrogate had admitted what happened to SKywynne. So there it was...proof that we should fear monsters now. But wait..."We were going to sign the peace treaty and one of my generals went rogue and murdered the queen!" Collective gasps from around the table. So monsters wanted peace then? My own thoughts were very conflicted about the situation at hand. However, I'm sure Moon's were even more conflicted because now everyone was asking her to make a decision about the monsters. She had concluded the meeting by saying she would make her decision by dawn tomorrow, but I know she was nervous and worried. I wanted to console her so I followed her into the dark halls, but River had done the same thing. I decided not interupt their intimate moment with apology meat. So I turned away from them and went to the outer walls of the castle. I didn't head home but watched the smoke from the distance of the monster camp. I was so curious. I had only seen one real monster but that was a long time ago. I am immortal so perhaps a little peak couldn't hurt? However, if I were to be caught there, I would get into a LOT of trouble and be considered a treachery upon the kingdom of Mewni. But tonight, my curiosity had won. I found myself stalking to the monster camp wearing my kinky dark brown hair into a bun and covered myself with a black cloak. My skin was far from being pale or any sort. It was a smooth chocolate color. The only noticable thing about me would be my ice blue/grey eyes in the moonlight. So I walked with my head down until I made it to the camp. I watched from the bushes afar at the monsters activity. Some were asleep, and some were eating. The most of them were gathered around a fire watching closely at the one monster speaking lowly and strongly. From my school books, he looked to be of Septarsian decent. Also, the way he was holding himself looked as if he was the leader of everything. He would be considered the general of it all. But...was this the general that had taken dear queen Skywynne's life so soon when she was just about to sign a peace treaty with the monsters? No, couldn't be. There were plently of others that could be the general. However, this one was really selling the whole 'big bad leader' thing.

I continued to observe them but had gotten sleepy in the process. I was exhausted and far too tired to sneak back home. So I retreated further back into the woods and fell asleep under the trunk of a large tree. When morning had come, I was awoken to the loud sound of hysterical laughing. I snuck back up to the monster camp and lightly gasped as I had seen queen Moon sitting in front of all those monsters. "The General?" A monster spoke up before laughing with the rest of them. Sure enough, queen Moon had made her decision. It was dangerous and rash to come all the way here to speak to the general of the camp with no fire power behind herself. What did she expect to accomplish?!?!?! The monsters were immortal much like myself! There was nothing she could do to stop them. I frowned and had hoped her the best because she was certainly in a dangerous situation right now. I wanted to step in and help protect her, or at least use my immortality to become a shield for her so she could escape. Before I culd make a decision myself, a strong voice had silenced the majority with a simple, "SILENCE." I turned my attention to the monster making his way through the crowd. It was the creature I had saw last night by the campfire giving comands. The thing from Septarsis. "Hello princess." His smooth and mature voice had spoken. He bowed to Moon but I doubt it was out of respect because he had called her a princess instead of queen. He was most likely being sarcastic to her. "I presume you're the one they call the lizard?" Moon asked him. "Yes, but you can call me Toffee." He answered calmly. "Toffee?! Now how is that any better?!?!" Moon answered with a confused face. She honestly took the words from my mouth. Toffee was in fact the general behind everything because this was the only monster army on the border of the castle ready to attack. The rest of the monsters and the main leader of them had set up to sign a peace treaty.

I was taken from my thoughts when I noticed Moon had cast an incredible and powerful spell. It was so powerful that it had caused a very dark aura and left a loud explosion in it's wake. The magic had reminded me of past queen Eclipsa in it's wake. The main thing about the spell was that she had missed, it took away Toffee's ring finger, and it did NOT grow back afterwards. This spell was so powerful...it could defeat the immortal...it could defeat me as well. All of the monsters realized this and within seconds, the entire camp was cleared out. I covered my mouth to gasp at the power. Within my shock, I hadn't noticed that Toffee was leaving as well. Within my shock, I hadn't noticed that he was heading in my direction to the woods. Within my shock, I hadn't noticed that he had stood above me just now.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here, a spy?"

Toffee Romance (part 1) TrustWhere stories live. Discover now