Chapter 8

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A/N Hello world Master Duelist here with another chapter. This one is the start of volume 3. So I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Well onto the story.  Disclaimer I do not own RWBY.

*Yours pov*

I was sitting in the auditorium watching team RWBY fight in the tournament. I wasn't allowed to participate in the tournament due to me joining Beacon late and because I'm a one man team. I was watching them fight though I'm mainly watching Blake. I've noticed I've started to grow closer to her over the past few months. I think I've fallen in love with her. But am I ready to move on. I know I promised Lailah that I would find someone else when she died. I just never thought it would be the girl who I've despised for a year. I was so lost in thought that I wasn't even paying attention to the match until I heard. "The winner is Team RWBY!" Port said over the microphone. I looked to see them celebrating. They soon left the stadium and I did to.

I was now in the fair grounds looking for them. I found them over by one of the stands and walked over to congratulate them. "Congratulations girls." I told them. They looked at me. "Thanks. We really gave it ours all." Ruby said. "Yeah you girls did. Oh and Ruby I noticed you were moving quite easily with those weights on. I think it's time we added more to them." I told her. She looks at hers weights for a second. "Agreed. I think it's time we added another 4 pounds to them." She said to me. I nodded my head at her. "So (y/n). We were about to go eat. Would you like to join us?" Blake asked me with a slight blush. I smiled. "I'd love too." I told her. They smiled at me. "So where are we going?" I asked them. "Oh I know follow me!" Yang said making me worry a bit on where she was taking us. They started walking off and I followed. We soon arrived at a shack that has a sign on it that said 'Simple Wok' on it. We sat down at the counter and I was sitting next to Blake. Yang looked at the shop keep. "I'll have a bowl of the regular." She told him then a big bowl of noodles slid in front of her. "Ooh I'll have the same!" Ruby said and another bowl of noodles slid in front of her. "Do you have anything with a low salt quantity?" Weiss asked only to have a bowl of noodles slid in front of her. "Okay?" She asked confused. Blake just looked at the shop keep and nodded. The shop keep then went into the back of the stand and noises could be heard then he came out and a bowl of noodles with lots of fish in it was slid in front of her. Her's eyes turned into stars and drool could be seen coming from hers mouth. I smiled at the sight. That's kinda cute! I thought to myself. I then looked at the shop keep. "I'll have what Goldilocks is having." I told him motioning to Yang with my thumb. She glared at me for calling her that I just ignored her as a bowl of noodles slid in front of me. Weiss then pulled hers card out. "Its on me." Weiss said as she passed him her card only for it to be thrown back at her. "What happened?" She asked and the shop keep pointed to the cash register which was flashing declined. "But I was barely into my monthly allowance!" She said. "Don't worry about it Weiss I got it." I told her as I handed the shop keep enough lien to pay for the food. "Thanks (y/n)." Blake said to me. "Yeah thanks." Ruby said. "Think nothing of it. Consider it a congratulations present for making it into the doubles rounds." I told them. "Though I expect you girls to make it to the finals." I said as I took a bite of my food. "Oh definitely. We are so going to go to the finals." Yang said. I smiled as team JNPR walked up. "Mind if we join you?" Pyhrra asked. "Yeah of course. The more friends the better!" Ruby said to them. They ordered their food and paid for it. Then we started chatting. "Umm (y/n) can I ask you something?" Jaune asked me. "What is it?" I told him. "When you first met Blake in the forever fall forest why did you want to kill her?" He asked me making all of them excep to look at me and her. I let out a sigh and put my chopsticks down. "We've known each other long enough that you guys deserve  to know now." I say to them. "But I'll tell you after your guys match." I said looking at team JNPR. "Oh right ours match I almost completely forgot about that." Jaune said as they got up to leave. "See you guys later." Jaune said as he and his team left. We finished ours food then headed to the stadium to watch team JNPR's match.

There match was interesting to say the least. The fact that they were having a team meeting right in the middle of the match was a little funny. Even with that little discussion team JNPR still won. Though it was thanks to Nora. Now we were all in team RWBY's dorm. "So you guys want to know why I attacked Blake when we met in the forest." I said to them.

And done. CLIFFHANGER! You guys will find out out exactly what happened a little over a year ago next chapter. Until next chapter.

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