Chapter 4

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A/n Hello world Master Duelist here with another chapter. This chapter you'll be fighting with the White Fang. Also this starts up where I left off last chapter and takes place the same night team RWBY fights Torchwick in the mech. Just a WARNING here there will be blood. So read at yours own risk. Well now that the warning is out of the way onto the story. Disclaimer I do not own RWBY.

*Yours pov*

I've only been in this school for a few days and I've discovered a whole new meaning to the word torture. Listening to Professor Ports ramblings about his past experience as a Huntsmen is like sitting and watching paint dry. I don't even think most of the class is paying attention to his ongoing speech. I was fighting just to not dose off in class I'd rather that not happen. Finally the bell rang. "Finally." I said to myself as I gathered my belongings and got up from my desk. I started walking out of the class room when I saw Yang pat that blonde boy from the forest on the head and tell him one day. I pushed it off and started walking past him. He noticed me and came over to me. "Hey it's (y/n) right?" He asked. "Yes. Who are you?" I asked him. "My names Jaune Arc. It's nice to meet you." He said to me holding his hand out for a handshake. I shook his hand to be polite my grandfather always told me to return a kind gesture with one yourself. "You as well." I replied to him. "Now if you'll excuse me I have some errands to run." I told him. "Yeah sure." He said to me as I started walking off. I went back to my dorm and changed into my regular clothes. After I got changed I retrieved White Lotus from my locker and headed into Vale.


I was in Vale heading towards the abandoned building I heard the White Fang were using. If I'm lucky I might find that guy Adam there. I arrived at the building and saw quite a few White Fang grunts. "Man with this new tech we're going to crush the humans." One of them said. "Yeah I know. Can't wait to give one a try!" The other said. That doesn't sound good. I thought to myself as I stepped out of my hiding spot and started approaching the gate. The two guards noticed me. "Halt human." One of them said as they pointed their weapons at me. I pushed White Lotus out of its sheath a bit with my thumb as I continued to walk towards them. "I said HALT." He said to me and I just continued walking towards them. "Forget it just kill him!" The other one said but just as he said those words I dashed towards them pulling White Lotus from its sheath fully I slashed the neck of the first guy killing him. The other one was so shocked that he didn't even have a chance to fire his weapon before I slashed his neck killing him even before the first guy hit the ground. I then walked through the gate. I know it's not wise but I figured that if he's here he'll hear the noise and come to investigate. Several White Fang notice me and point their weapons at me. Still holding White Lotus in my hand I take up a stance with my left foot forward and my right foot behind me. My katana was horizontal to my head my right hand was in front of my left hand. I was staring at the White Fang members wondering which one would make the first move. One of the ones closest to me started pulling the trigger but I dashed at him and sliced his neck. The three that were around him started to move towards me but I just took them out as well with precise attacks to each of their necks. The others started firing their guns at me but I just used my speed and katana to dodge and deflect all the rounds. Charging at them I took care of the first two by slicing their necks the next one that was close to me I stabbed through the chest. One of them slashed at me with his sword but I parried it and slashed his neck. I took care of the rest of the White Fang with little effort. These guys aren't very well trained. I thought to myself. Then I heard a shotgun go off and I jumped just in time to dodge the bullets. "Well, well, well. Look what we have here." A voice I recognized as the one who attacked me a year ago. I turned to the source to see. "Adam Taurus." I said as I looked at the bull faunus that attacked me a year ago. "It seems I'll be able to finish my mission now." He said with an evil smirk. He drew his sword and we both ran at one another. Our swords clashed multiple times before we were both locked with each other trying to over power each other.  He noticed my sword. "So your still using the girls sword, huh?" He said to me. I just ignored him and continued to put pressure on my side of the sword to push him back. "Maybe if she wasn't such a weakling she'd still be alive." He said to me making my anger break. I broke the lock and swung at him trying to cut his throat but he jumped back. "Don't you dare talk about her like that!" I yelled at him. He just smiled and charged at me again. We continued clashing until I started getting bored. He hasn't improved much in the year since we've fought last but I have. I started using my new skills against him and I started making hits on him. I cut his leg and his arm even put a small cut on his face. I continued to put on the pressure until I finally knocked his sword away. "I won. Now it's time for you to die." I said to him. "I thought yours village doesn't kill unarmed people?" He said to me. "We do when there monsters like you." I replied to him. Just as I was about to swing my blade I heard what sounded like a missile being launched I look to my left to see a missile  heading right for me. I jumped out of the way and it crashed into the ground. I looked to where Adam was only to see him boarding a bullhead. He looked back at me with an angry look on his face then boarded. I looked at the location the missile originated from to see a big robot.

It fired more missiles at me but I just jumped at them and cut them while I was still in the air

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It fired more missiles at me but I just jumped at them and cut them while I was still in the air. I landed and charged the robot slicing at its feet. My blade cutting through the armor and doing damage. It started firing the guns in its arms at me but I managed to dodge the shots with my speed. I ran at it and jumped swinging my sword I cut off it's left left arm. It turned around to face me and I charged it again. I jumped at it and it brought out an arm and got ready to punch me. Just as it threw the punch I activated my semblance and got on its back. I then stabbed White Lotus into it and slid down its back. It started sgoet circuiting and fell over. The pilot rolled out and I put my foot on his chest and pointed my sword at him. "Tell Taurus I'll see him again and that the next time we meet I will kill him. Understand?" I said to him. He just nodded his head frantically. "Yes I understand!" He said to me. I removed my foot from his chest. "Good. Now get lost." I told him and he took off running. I then headed back to Beacon to get some rest.

*Adam's pov*

I had got my wounds patched up after my fight with that kid from a year ago. Also the White Fang member who fought him in the mech told me his message. He's improved so much in just a year. I'll need to train if I even want to stand a chance against him. I thought as I put my black jacket back on. I walked the halls of the base and found Cinder she and hers goons were here to over see somethings. "Cinder I'll be leaving Vale for a bit." I told her. "Why Adam?" She asked me. "I need to train for when I fight that kid again. Next time I won't go down so easily." I told her. "Who will over see the White Fang?" She asked me. "I'll have my lieutenant over see things while I'm gone." I told her. "Very well. Just be back before the festival. We need everything to go according to plan." She told me. "Don't worry. I'll be back before then." I told her and left. I won't let you beat me that easily. Next time we fight I'll kill you. I thought as I left the base.

And done with another chapter. Hope you guys like this one. And it seems things are setting up for a show down between (y/n) and Adam. Things are getting interesting. Anyway until next time people.

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