Escaping Part 1

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Tendra's POV

"Finally,your awake." said a male voice exclaimed as I regained my consciousness. I struggled to move but it was impossible my arms clamped to whatever I was on aswell as my feet.

"Oh don't bother,you won't be able to metal bend your way out." he came into sight. It was a grey haired, tall middle aged man with a long beard. He wore a white lab coat with green gloves on his hands.

"Like you'll be able to bend earth overall. " he laughed. "Whh.." I stuttered.
"Shut up." he spat.

"You see I hypothesized that since the avatar is two persons...that means your abilities are may be two but..smaller and weaker like a recycled object." he laughed loudly. "My point there is a eighty percent chance that you won't be able to bend air..or earth which gives the Urg and advantage. " he explained.

"Same goes to your brother. " he said pulling a lever which revealed my brother on a similar chair as me unconscious. "Tonjay." I croaked.

"As I said...eighty percent.. sooo that means I have to run more imagine." he chuckled picking up a needle."I was able to get that much information from your brother... What happens.." he whispered running the needle against my cheek, my heart pounded as tears began to fall.

"When I examine you!" he shouted jamming the point into my neck, everything began to fade.

"Tendra!" yelled my brothers voice.. I was in a forest. I was dressed in white and my hair covered my shoulders. "Tendra?" came the voice I again, I turned around to see my brother running towards me.

I hugged him tightly crying in his shoulder. "Good your both here." said a male and female voice in in sync.

"Who are you..? " asked Tonjay. "That's for you to find out. " replied the voice or voices a person appeared from behind a tree.

"Hello Tendra, Tonjay." said the person.. I couldn't tell if it was a man or woman."Are you a past avatar?" I asked as it chuckled.

"You two are more powerful than you two are the avatwins. " It laughed.

"Yeah..the captured and knocked outcold avatwins ." sighed Jay. "Not for long Tonjay. " it said patting his head.

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