Chapter 1

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I press my foot down, applying pressure to the gas peddle, quickly glancing in the review mirror to see the identical three Honda's slowly accelerating behind me. I hear a curse as a lock of Auburn hair flys in my face through my blue and white masquerade mask.

"Anne get your hair out of my face!" I groan, pushing her away so that she stumbles back into the seat. "I can't concentrate on driving with you leaning all over me!" She laughs, and out of the corner of my eye, I can see her holding up my skull decorated blue and black shot gun in one hand, and loading the bullet with the other. "I'm gonna distract, then you'll get us the hell outta here!" She and I let out a whoop before she cocks the gun and leans out the top of the car.

I push on the gas peddle as I hear the familiar bang of my shotgun sound and the screech of a tire going flat. "HA! This is childs play!" Anne sniggers and I can hear the smirk in her voice as I look throughout the review mirror. I let out a hoot of laughter at the cars that are spiraling out of control and the sister of mine who is taking a swig of Ginger Beer as if it'll be her last time drinking it.

"Hey Anne, dont finish all the beer yeah? We have a long way to go, and I know your gonna want some later" I yell up to her, and she scowls, but begrudgingly hands me the bottle. After taking a swig and tucking the bottle safely in the glove compartment, I lean up, griping her hand in mine. "Hang on!" I yell up to her, and she grips my hand, sending me a confused look.

I just smirk back at her as I hit the brakes, sending her flying onto the hood of the car and letting it fly out of control. We both let out a scream of pleasure and the engine revvs, swerving us into the trees as she fires off the finishing shots. I press the button and she jumps up landing gracefully in the backseat of the BMW. "Where to next?" I ask, the adrenaline pumping steadily through my vains as we speed through the trees. "Cali, New Jersey? Oh I know! Far-Id-A!" She chuckles at me. "Why do you say it like that, Ellie? It's not right!" I let out a bitter laugh, all traces of happiness gone. "Lots of things about this life is not right. So whats your point?"

Anne lets out a sigh before craking a small, somewhat forced, smile. "Huh. I'd say you should go to a theripist about this anger problem of yours, but we never stay long enough to know any..." She chuckles nervously. I let out a large exasperated sigh, letting her settle back in to the back seat, probably in relief that I did not say anything. I feel her hands slowly sliding across my fingers in a halfhearted attempt at sneaking back the beer bottle. I give a short laugh, slapping away her wandering hand and ignoring the thick layer of tension that resides in the air.

After riding through the thick bed of trees in a rare akward silence, I reach a deserted road, one that I know well enough to say that no one would find them. I park and say in a tight voice, "We'll stay here for tonight, then leave town in the morning. There should be 1,000,000 in the bank acount, so tomorow before we leave we'll take out all of our money and insert it in a new acount. For now we should rest." My eyes stay on the road as I say this, and I can feel Anne's eyes on the back of my head.

"Elliot?" She questions, her voice soft. "What?" I snap back harder than I meant to. She looks suprised for a second, as if shes gonna say something, but she just gulps and asks "Can I drive? I wanna choose where we go..." I smile, one eyebrow raised. "Wow, Anne you never chose where we went... Sure, sis. We leave at 6:30 sharp so be ready, up and early." She gives me a grin, ear to ear. And if I didnt know better I'd say that she was... Relived? But why... I ponder this thought as I lock the car and snuggle into the back seat. "Hey, Anne?" I call up to the front, where my sister is leaning agiants the board. "Huh." Comes back her short answer. "We... We tell each other everything, right? No secrets?" I hear a soft snort, and a sigh, indicating that she is asleep. 'Is my sister hiding something' is my last thought before I fall into a distorted non-peacful blank slumber.


A sharp crack is what awakens me from my awkward slumber. "What..." I mutter quietly, sitting up so that I'm on my elbows. Through the crack between the two front seats I can see Anne sitting hunched over herself, one hand gripping the weel and the other clutching a note. She stared at it with such a merderous expresion I started to fear for the note.
"She won't ever find us. she can't" she mutters, and I scrunch up my eyebrows. What is she talking about?

"Whats that?" I ask grogily, nodding towards the note in her hand. She snaps her head up, furiously wiping away what I notice are angry tears. "Hey Anne, whats up?" I ask concerned, as she crumples up the note in her hand. She blinks hard as if seeing me for the first time.

"We need to go." She says harshly, her words like ice, and I shiver at the coldnes, despite the fact that it's the dead of summer. "S-so you have chosen where we're gonna go? Personally, I think we should stirr up mayham down in- 'we are going to Roasalie." I scrunch up my nose, trying to remember anything about Roasalli, but I come up blank.

Finally, I let out a short, fusturated sigh and ask "where exactly is Roasallie?" She narrows her eyes at me for a breathtaking moment then waves her hand dismissively. "It matters not. What matters is that we need to go there for a while, and try not to start anything up... There's something I need to do there. So thats where were going." I could tell she was lying through her teeth about the reason, but I decided not to push on it. After all, she would tell me eventually. We never keep secrets. "Well then, I guess were off to Roasallie, then. But you driving, I'm still half asleep."

Anne gives out a short laugh. "The IAA ( Intelligent Assassins Association) has a new mission for us. $100,000. We are off break as of today, remember? No more running across the US." I let out a wolfish grin. "It was one time! One! Cant you let it go?!" She lets out a laugh that temporarily made me forget. I felt, for one small sliver of my life, normal.

Too bad I didn't know what normal was. Too bad I was about to find out...

End of chapter 1

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