[ t h r e e - h a p p y (1) ]

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she always seemed so happy.

Eunhee walked into the cafeteria, looking for her best friend, Hyejoung. She grabbed a seat inside front of her and was about to spill on what happened in Communications class with Jimin, when her phone rang. She looked at her phone, which read Mom, with a confused expression. That's weird she never calls during school.

"Hey Mom! What's up? I'm eating lunch right now; is there any way--"

"Eunhee, honey, it's about your father. You need to come home now," her mom explained in a serious tone.

Eunhee hung up, and everything around her went blank. She muttered a few words to Hyejoung, apologizing for leaving and how she would explain everything later. Eunhee ran across the cafeteria, while accidentally bumping into someone.

Jimin. She could recognize that cologne anywhere.

"Sorry! Sorry!" she hurriedly apologized and continued running.

Eunhee made it to her house and realized that she only had about 15 minutes before she needed to go back to school. She grabbed the doorknob but hesitated. She had only come running over because her mom said it was about her dad, but did she even want to know? After all, he had abandoned them. Eunhee decided it was now or never and opened the door.

Eunhee was shocked by the sight in front of her. She saw her mom on her knees crying near the counter. Eunhee ran over to her mother's side and offered her comfort.

"What's wrong, Mom?" Eunhee asked in a concerned manner.

"It's your father. He's- He's dead."

Eunhee's knees went weak, and she sat next to her mother. She felt something wet on her face and realized that she was crying. She had wished for her father to be gone more times than she could count during all of the hard times. Now that he was really gone, she wished she could take it all back. Eunhee had always meant to go find him. To talk to him. To give him a chance to explain. But, she never had the courage to do it. She just assumed that it would be okay. That he would be okay. That she would be okay.

She could never bring herself to truly hate her father. Eunhee had always held onto the memories that they shared when she was little. At the playground. At the ice cream shop. At the café watching the sunrise. The only reason that Eunhee got a job there was because she thought that maybe, one day he might come back.

Eunhee looked down at her mom and asked, "How did you find out?"

Eunhee's mom, with her head still down, responded, "His son called."

"What? What do you mean his son called? Did dad have another family? He would never. That's ridiculous!" Eunhee shouted in disbelief.

"Eunhee, I never told you this, but your dad was having an affair with someone when you were younger. I told him that I didn't want someone as unloyal as him around you, so he left. It didn't have anything to do with how much he loved you, Eunhee. He got married to a woman, who had already had a son, but a couple years ago, the woman passed away. However, he still took it upon himself to raise her son."

"Don't lie to me. He never loved me. If he did, then why didn't he try to contact me?"

"He did, Eunhee. I'm sorry I kept this from you for so long." Eunhee's mom stood up, went behind the counter, and grabbed a red box. When she opened the box, Eunhee's eyes widened at the amount of letters in the box.

"These are all from your father. He would send them every couple of months, but I always hid them from you. Eunhee, you have to understand--"

"Understand what, Mom! You knew Dad was trying to contact me and knew that I wanted to see him again. And you just decided that you knew what was best for me. That I would be better off without him. How would you know?" Eunhee shouted, as tears streamed down her cheeks.

She grabbed the box and ran out of the house. She just ran. She knew she had to be back at school soon, so that's where she decided to go. Just go to school, Eunhee, and you'll figure things out from there. Like you always do.

Eunhee put the box in her locker and sprinted to her classroom. She tried catching her breath, as she sat down. Class soon began, but Eunhee heard nothing. She stared blankly at the board, thinking about the chain events that had happened. Her dad was dead, and there was nothing she could do about it. All she could do now was read the letters. Maybe I should find his son. My half-brother. I wonder where--

Eunhee jumped at the familiar ring of the bell and was about to leave class when her teacher called her.

"Eunhee, is everything alright? You don't seem okay."

It took everything out of Eunhee right now to smile and pretend everything was fine.

"Yes, Miss Kang. Everything's okay. Why wouldn't they be?"

She left the classroom, biting her lip and on the brink of tears. For the rest of the day, Eunhee dreaded going to the rest of her classes but trudged through them. As people began to leave, Eunhee went to her locker and grabbed the box of letters. She didn't care if it took her all night to finish them. She would.

Eunhee headed to the playground, where she could be alone and think of her father. There weren't many kids in her neighborhood, so even after school, the playground would be empty. As she arrived at the playground, Eunhee saw someone on the swings. Eunhee jumped as she recognized who it was and immediately began to turn around, when a familiar voice spoke, "Eunhee?"

She reluctantly turned around and replied,"Yeah, it's me. What are you doing here, Jimin?"

a u t h o r ' s • n o t e
Hey readers! This was kind of a long one. Sorry that this was such a sad chapter 😭, but don't worry things get a lot happier in the following chapters! Things start to make a lot more sense. Also, just as a heads up, no, Jimin is not the son 😂. Thank you so much for reading and make sure to vote!

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