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We arrive and he parks in the parking lot of the park. It looked so cool, I'd never been to a skate park before. I look over the fence to see guys and a few girls all around skating. Off walls, onto the ground onto poles. It was crazy that they weren't all breaking their necks.

"This is so cool" I hop off my bike holding onto my bag over my shoulder.

"Welcome to my second home, this is my family"

He opens the gate for me, spotting Jax and Nixon sitting on a bench with a girl I've never seen.

"Hey guys" I smile.

"Rose, hey, this is Sam, my girlfriend" Jax smiles.

"Hey, Alex told me a lot about you, can you skate?"

"I've never tried"

"Hm" Sam smirks.

"You guys ready?" Nixon stands up holding his skateboard.

"Yep" Sam stands up grabbing her skateboard.

"You coming?" Sam asks.

"But, I can't skate?"

"And you can't just sit here, come on, I'll show you" Sam holds out her hand.

"Ok" Alex gets out his skateboard from out of his bag. Sam leads me over to the open parking lot. Not many cars were parked.

"Beginners like you, shouldn't start in a big skating park like that, just yet. We'll start small" She hands me her skateboard.

"Just skate around this whole parking lot and if you fall off, start back here"


I stand on top of it pushing myself with my foot. I skate around half of the lot, it's not to hard. Once I got to a turn, I fell off face down on the ground.

"You ok?" Sam yells from across the parking lot. I give her a thumbs up and I start over.

The fourth time, I finally got the hang of it and I skated all the way back to her without stopping or falling.

"Great job, you think you can handle the park?"

"I think that's enough skating for one day for me" I sigh exhausted.

We go back to the bench to see Nixon, Jax, and Alex sitting on the bench drinking Gatorade.

"Sup" Sam throws her skateboard down on the ground and sits next to Jax on the bench.

"Hey" Alex hands me a bottle of Gatorade.

"Thanks" I smile opening it. I take a sip sitting down next to Alex on the ground.

"What'd you learn?" Alex asks.

"How to actually ride one. Will you take me back again so Sam can teach me?" I ask.

"Sure" He coughs loudly.

"You ok?" Nixon asks.

"Yea, it's just my illness, remember?"

"She doesn't know?" I hear Sam whisper to Jax. Jax shakes his head.

"What don't I know?" I ask.

"She does know, that I'm sick" Alex glares at Sam.

"Oh" Sam says.

I check my phone, four fifty. My curfew if six thirty.

"We're gonna go" I sigh. Alex stands up grabbing his skateboard and bag.

"See you guys later" I wave goodbye as I grab my bag and walking outside of the fence.

"We're we gonna?" I ask sitting on the motorcycle.

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