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I arrive at school parking my motorcycle. I get a few looks and I see a few people still whispering about me, or maybe it could just be the motorcycle. No one else at this school seemed to have one.

I walk in to see Ian and Max sitting against the lockers to my left eating breakfast I'm guessing.

"Are you gonna just stand there" Ian spots me. I sit next to Max letting out a loud sigh.

"Guess what?" I face them both leaning my head against the lockers.

"What?" They both say at the same time both of their eyes now on me.

"I almost got I think rapped at the gas station yesterday?"

"Oh my god? Are you ok?" Ian asks in a concerned tone.

"I am thanks to, Alex" I smile.

"What?" Max asks with a confused look on his face.

"He and his friends came in and helped me, scared the guy off" I whisper.

"You guys are meant to be" Max puts one hand over his heart.

"I barely know him, plus it's my second day here"

"This school gets to you. My second day I already had sex with three guys" Ian smiles.

"Well your a slut" Max smiles.

"I am not a slut" Ian pouts.

"What about you Max? What did you do on your second day?" I ask.

"I called a teacher a bitch? That count?" The bell rings.

"It's not the school, it's just we're seventeen, eighteen and some nineteen year olds, that's what we do" I stand up.

"See you later" Max gives Ian a quick peck on the lips.

I smile, they were so cute.

"Gayyyyyy" A couple of guys yell walking pass us.

"Say it to my fucking face asshole!" Max holds Ian back.

"Babe, calm down" Max says.

"God I hate people like that" I say.

"Trust me, we do too, see you later Ian" Max says. Ian walks off in disgust.

"And hey, don't let it get to you, I never let it get to me, they're just assholes with no lives" Max scoffs.

In Study Hall, Max and I go to the library. I sit impatiently waiting for Alex.

"Relax, Study Hall just started, he'll be here" Max laughs. I see Alex walk in. He sits at the computers looking around, I'm guessing for me.

"My cue, come with me"

"Nah, i'd rather not interfere" Max pulls out his binder and a pencil.

"I've got my own work too do anyways"

I walk over to Alex pulling up a chair next to him. He looked in deep thought as he stared at the keyboard.

"Uh, hey" I smile.

"Hey" He says weakly.

"Are you ok? You look a little, depressed?"

"I'm fine, let's just finish" He says softly.

As we're working on the essay he kept coughing and wheezing.

"I think your sick, wanna go to the nurse?"

"I am perfectly fine Rose, just" He continues to cough in his hand. He looks back at his hand and his eyes widen.

"Um, I'm gonna go to the bathroom" He quickly stands up I get a quick look at his hand to what looks like, blood... He walks out of the library. I look back at Max and he gives me an I don't know look.

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