All of Us Sometimes Need To Travel Into the Forest to Meet Our Spirit Animals

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(  XD Sorry for the long title and sorry for being dead the past couple of days. This is gonna be a short chapter. Anywho, enjoy!)


Hey everyone, howl you doing?! Haha, get it!? I'm hilarious! .......... Ugh, I'm sorry. So much has been going on lately, I've resorted to stating terrible wolf puns just to keep myself sane! Puns like: What do you call a lost wolf? A Where-Wolf! Today is going to be a PUN-derful day! 

(I'm aware that last one wasn't a wolf pun and I apologize that my puns aren't what you expected. I'd like to see you do better!) Anywho, I should probably get on with the story. A bit later after that....... incident, I decided to look up what my spirit animal is. You know, to see if that was related to whatever the wolf was going on. (My bad, I told you can't stop.) Anyway, I took the online test, and guess what my spirit animal is?! (Well, it was actually a dolphin, but just go with me on this next part.) I decided to take a little visit to a wolf to see what was going on.

The crunching of the leaves made me cringe. (Not because I was scared, because I hate crepitation.......... Okay, I was scared, so what?!) I was all alone, in this sad place called a forest. I wonder why anyone, or uh, anything would wanna live here. Every step I took reminded me of my last, not so pleasant visit.

A deep sound arose in my ear. Growling, again. It no doubt sounded like those of the wolfs I met earlier. Well mind, if you want me to turn into a wolf, now's a good time. (Well, too bad it didn't happen.) I felt the world start to, lets say, run away from me. Wow, first I'm turning into a wolf, and now I'm seeing things?! (Actually, my legs were being smart and started to run on their own. Good job legs!)

I went along with it and decided to keep running, (ON MY OWN!) far away from where I heard the noise. It followed me, very closely, like it did earlier. I knew I wasn't going to escape, at least not if I  turned into a wolf, but apparently that wasn't happening. (Thanks alot brain!) 

I just then realized, why am I running away? Sure wolves may be vicious, meat eating creatures that may do anything to get their paws on food, but I came here to talk to wolf, and that's just what I'm gonna do! (Yes I know, it sounds stupid, but hear me out!)

I stopped, waiting for the sound to get closer and closer to me before it finally stopped. Well here goes nothing.

"I need to talk to you." I exhaled 

Nighthound: GenesisDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora