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Life has many ways of testing a person's will, either by having nothing happen at all or by having everything happen at once. In these situations, there are two things that define you: Your patience when you have nothing, or your attitude when you have everything.

Oh sorry, I was reading an inspirational  book. (The above two quotes are from Paulo Coelho and My dare Valentine.) Sometimes, I wonder why life is so vile. Since that incident with my sudden bark a couple of days ago, the sad, pathetic blob of pink residing inside my head has decided to make my entire body play along with it. First with more barking that was easily noticed. Then my sudden craving for meat.... ugh, as if women couldn't get any fatter.........(FATTER FOODS! He-he, I'm not calling women fat......... well, at least some of them.) Last came licking myself in places that shouldn't be mentioned. (My head dumbos, gosh, you all are so inappropriate.) 

Overall, I've had a pretty rotten week with all this bite stuff going on. Barking, meat cravings, licking, What's next? Am I gonna turn into a dog? (Don't answer that.)

I couldn't even bear to eat dinner in front of my family today, because I knew something would happen. Something like me turning into a dog like I said before. Why? Because that's what actually happened. 

It was so quick too. Like a flash of lightning. I was staring at my food, just thinking about all of what had been happening recently. My mother gasped and my father stood and started inching towards his shotgun. They had me worried, really worried. I immediately looked around to see what the problem was, but I saw nothing but the fine modern theme of our house. I gazed at my mother, hoping she'd give me a clue a what was wrong, and she did. Her eyes.

They were looking directly at me.

I reached beside me for my pocket mirror that I always carry with me, (C'mon, once in a while, a girl does need to get a little girly.) and brought it up to my face. I gasped in shock at the results as I dropped the mirror. My face, it was furry, as well as a combination of a dark shade of brown and midnight black. My hands replaced with paws and my nails replaced with claws. (He he! Claws and Paws, that rhymed, thanks for pointing that out Sunset...... oh wait you don't know who that is.......... yet.)

At first I refused to believe it, but it was true. I was a dog..... no, not just a dog.

I was a wolf.

Right now, I'm sitting in my room in my wolf form, wondering what will happen from here.

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