It's French

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The sun was absolutely baking down on those gathered in the large field, each booth owner busy setting up and hollering to each other across the open spaces.

Eve had finished her essential tasks and was now making sure each business had signed in, but she was going to have to change soon, or she'd be forced to spend the whole day in her now grimy clothes. She also suspected she needed some sunscreen, judging by the prickling heat crawling across the back of her neck.

Daniel and Laura were still hard at work, and Eve made sure to remind them to drink something cool. It was ironic, really, that she had put in an extra order for umbrellas, in case the weather turned sour, and now the umbrellas were in high demand as shelter from the sun. Even now people were making sure to throw down picnic blankets under trees or set up their own large umbrellas, tucking ice coolers under their arms as they squinted through the bright light.

The banners had gone up and Laura had set up the rest of the Harper's booth, and all that was left was to make sure that people actually showed up for their shifts. Eve had gone ahead and put herself down for the lunch rush, determined to show that she could pull her own weight in all aspects. She didn't know who her partners would be, but she didn't think there would actually be any opportunity for chat, they'd be so busy serving cakes and refereeing the games.

She nipped to her car, waving at Edwin and her mother as they passed her. Both had been hard at work this morning, and Eve had spotted them more than once, as they decorated tables and laughed. Roxanne, on the other hand, was nowhere to be seen, which was weird as it was almost time for the fundraiser to officially start, and without her grandmother there would be some very thirsty, and sober, volunteers. Roxanne had promised to provide a watered down Sagria for Eve's helpers, and it was greatly looked forward to.

For now.

If Eve was left supervising drunk adults and running the show herself, Roxanne was getting a lifetime ban. From both sangria and the fundraiser.

As she cut back through the parking lot, making her way to the rec centre where the toilets and a few other facilities were kept, she spotted more than a few familiar faces. Both the villagers and her coworkers had started to arrive, and the route took her twice as long, stopping frequently to chat. At one point she thought she spotted Drew, but before she could wave she was grabbed by Margaret, the oldest member of the village and, despite being north of ninety years old, the owner of a firm grip. By the time Eve got her arm back, the Drew look-a-like was gone and when Eve caught sight of herself in the mirrors of the toilets she was glad.

Her t-shirt was no longer white, so covered in dirt and grease. She also had a smear of it across one of her cheeks, a fact not one of her friends had mentioned. Scrubbing furiously at her skin, leaving it red and raw, she pulled down her ponytail and ran some more deodorant under her arms. She felt far from fresh, and had the opportunity arose she would have gladly taken a shower. Instead, she made do with baby wipes and deodorant, and reapplied her tinted moisturiser, before changing into her summer dress and sandals.

The dress was light blue, with a gingham pattern, and she looked like a cross between Dorothy from Wizard of Oz and an actual blanket, but it was better than being stained with grease. Brushing out her hair, she reapplied her lipstick, took a quick sniff of her underarms, sprayed some perfume and rejoined the fundraiser.

The transformation was spectacular. Eve had been so busy this morning she had yet to admire their work as a whole. She could tell you exactly how many balloons were hanging from the trees, but she hadn't had the time to appreciate how great it looked. In the time it had taken her to change her clothes, the field had become overwhelmed with people, and there were already crowds milling around as others set up their own little command centrals. Parents were setting up shade for their kids, handing out juice containers and slathering SPF.

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