Chapter 40; Johnny

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Mackenzie's POV

We waited for someone to open the door. When the door opened it revealed my mom. She was so shocked to see us.

"Oh my gosh! They're home!" Mom shouts.

She lets us in and all the families gathered in the foyer. Everyone was happy to see us.

Mom grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. Dad joined in and so did Maddie. I felt like I was being suffocated. Mom finally let go and she was crying.

"I miss you so much! Please don't do that again," mom begged.

"I won't mom, I'm sorry," I say hugging her again.

I let go of her and hugged all my friends. Well all except Johnny, he just stood there. Like he didn't want to be here.

"We missed you so much Mack!" Nadia says.

"Ya Mack please don't runaway again," Carson and Jacob begged.

"I won't. I promise. And I'm sorry," I apologize.

I really didn't think that they'd miss me this much. I just thought it'd be like nothing to them.

"We love you Mack," Brynn smiled.

"Love you too," I say hugging her.

We walked into the living room with everyone and took a seat. Maddie and Jack were bringing in our bags inside.

"Hey, is Johnny still mad at me?" I ask.

"Major, I've tried to calm him down but, it didn't work to well," Lauren admits.

I nodded and gestured for them to follow me. We went down to the basement and sat in the little movie room we had.

"What's up Mackenzie?" Jacob asked.

I sighed and looked at them, "remember when we were little. I had the speech impediment, and I couldn't really read or write well," I say.

They nodded, "ya why?" Brynn asked.

"Remember how much John helped me with it?"

They nodded, "where are you going with this?" Nadia asked.

"Just the other day, I thought of John and I. How much he's done for me and how he fought for me and everything. I love him, and I messed that up," I explain.

"You love him?" Hayden asked.

"Yes I love him. And I fucked that up the other night."

"FINALLY!" They exclaim.


"You finally love him! It took you like ten years! You two were the closest out of all us, go get him!" Lauren exclaimed.

I laughed and nodded.

We got up and went back upstairs. I walk over to Maddie and the girls with their boyfriends.

"What's up?" Maddie said.

"I'm going to talk to Johnny. I'm nervous," I say.

"You got this Mackenzie. Don't worry about it okay? Just tell him the truth," Brooke said.

I nodded and looked over at John. He's just sitting there. I walk over and tap his shoulder, when he turned around he looked annoyed.

"Hey, can we talk?" I ask.

He sighed and nodded, standing up. I take his hand and led him out to the backyard. I walked him past the pool area, to the trees gazebo area.

String lights hung all around, lighting up the dark night. Little lightning bugs flew around too. It seemed so perfect.

We looked around and took a seat underneath one of the trees. The one I got stuck in when I was four.

"What did you want to talk about?" John asked.

"Well I first wanted to say I missed you. And I'm sorry I ran away," I begin.

"It's fine," John muttered.

"Well I wanted to talk to you about what happened the other day. On Skype," I say. "That night, I wasn't sure how-"

"It's fine. I was stupid. I should've known you don't like me. I shouldn't have asked," John said, cutting me off.

I look at him and shook my head. "I've been thinking a lot lately. Remembering times when we were younger. How you helped me with reading and writing, with my speech impediment, with everything you helped me. You believed in me when I didn't. You were there to tell me I was good enough when I thought I wasn't," I explain. "You were everything to me and I didn't even give you a second look. I always thought you'd be my brother, and I was so afraid to lose you. When I lost you everything in my life fell apart. I don't want to lose you John."

"You're not going to lose me Mackenzie," John reassured.

"Yes I am. I mean you're calling me Mackenzie! You rarely ever call me that now, I don't know what I'd do without you John. You fought Brandon for me in third grade, you got me out of the tree when we were four, you rushed me back to your house when I broke my arm when we were seven. You were there for my panic attacks, and when I felt stupid or I need to cry and vent you were there. You're my everything, Johnny. I love you so much!"

He gives me a look, "what'd you say?"

"I said I love you John, I'm sorry it took me forever to realize it but, I do. You make me feel special. You make me happy, you make me feel things I can't describe. I miss your kisses and well, the sex too, but, that's another thing. But, John I love you," I explain. "I want you to be Jack and I'll be Sally. Having Halloween on Christmas, in the night wishing it never ends. And yes I just quoted I Miss You from Blink-182. But, it's true, I miss you John."

John looks at me and smiled. "My dearest friend, if you don't mind
I'd like to join you by your side," he begins.

"Where we could gaze into the stars
and sit together, now and forever
for it is plain, as anyone can see,
We're simply meant to be," we sat together, quoting the ending of The Nightmare Before Christmas.

"I love you John. And I'm sorry it took me forever to realize it," I say.

"Mackenzie, will you be my girlfriend?" John asked.

I looked at him and smiled, "I'd love to."

He smiled at me and we stare into each other's eyes.


We turn and see all of our friends, as well as Maddie and her friends and boyfriends, and all the siblings.

We laughed and looked at each other. We leaned it and kissed.

I missed the feeling of his lips. They were perfect. Just like him.

We broke apart and smiled at each other.

"I love you," we say.

So guys this is the last chapter. My epilogue will be up later I hope you liked it.

I hope you have or had a happy new year. I will be posting a new story at midnight so stay tuned for that.

I'm so excited epilogue will be up in bout a few hours.

Bye loves xoxo

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