Chapter 1; Busy Day

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Mackenzie's POV

*beep beep beep*

I groaned and smacked my alarm off. I don't want to go to school, but I don't want to stay home.

My parents are constantly fighting and I hate it. They need to get divorced. I don't know what's stopping them.

I get out of bed anyways and get ready for the day. After I dress, and brush my teeth and do my hair I go downstairs.

I'm welcomed by the shouting between my parents. I sighed and grabbed a pop tart, I moved past the two of them but I'm stopped.

"Mackenzie, I need you back here after school, we have to run some errands," mom said.

I nodded and left the house. I ate the pop tart as I walked to school. It was kind of bleak outside. I mean, it is October in Pittsburgh though.

"Hey Kenz."

I turn and see John and Lauren. "Hey guys," I muttered.

"Parents fighting again?" John asked.

"When do they not," I groaned. "I don't understand why they won't get a divorce. Life would be so much better if they weren't together."

"Maybe it's just a bump," Lauren said.

"A bump?" Someone ask.

I turn back around and see Nadia, Brynn and Carson.

"A bump in the road," Lauren explained.

"Parents again?" Carson asked.

"Yup, and I can't even do anything about it."

"What about Maddie?" Brynn questioned.

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "She's in New York. She has her friends with her, it's not like she's going it stop everything she's doing and come back and try to help my parents."

"You don't know that Kenzie. Maddie cares about you. You know that," Nadia said.

"I know but still, she has her thing. I'd just be a distraction or something to her," I say as we got to our bus stop.

"What happened?" Jacob asked.

We see Jacob and Hayden joining our group. Yes, we have a large squad.

"Mackenzie's parents fighting as usual and she won't call Maddie," Lauren explained quickly.

"Why won't you give her a call?" Hayden asked.

"I just said that. I don't want to be a distraction or whatever. Look I love my sister and she loves me but, do you honestly think she'd drop everything just to help my parents?" I question.

"YES!" They exclaimed.

"Jeez no need to shout," I rolled my eyes.

The bus pulled up and we got on. I sit next to Lauren and the bus takes us to the horrible place we call school.


I walk out of my math class with John and Carson. Now we have lunch.

"So when are you going to call?" Carson asked.

"I don't know okay?" I say.

"I think you should just ask Maddie and talk to her about it. She'll help," John said.

I give him a look and smack him in the stomach. "Everyone's saying that and I know. I'm going to try and call tonight. She's busy though so I don't know if she'll answer."

"At least you're going to do it," Carson said.

I roll my eyes and we walk into the cafeteria. Meeting up with the rest of our squad, we take a seat at our usual table.

"So wanna hang out later after school?" Brynn asked.

"I can't I have to go out with my mom," I sighed.

"Come up with an excuse to not go," Nadia said.

"Have you met my mother?" I question.

I love my mom and all but, sometimes she's a pain in the ass. Sometimes if I want to do something, and I said I'd go out with her she gets mad.

"Understandable. What about Friday or something?" Brynn asked.

"Ya maybe. I'll let you know," I say.

I start eating some grapes I got from home. We talked and talked for what felt like forever. Then sadly the bell rang. Signaling it was time to go.

I sighed not wanting to leave all my friends.


I get into my moms Cadillac SUV and put my seatbelt on. She's on the phone currently. Probably with work. Another usual.

I'm not complaining or anything because my parents do make a lot of money, we do have a nice house and nice stuff but, sometimes they put work in front of me.

I want to spend time with them some days but it's always the same thing "I'm busy Mackenzie" or "I'm in a meeting."

Mom drives off and I stare out the window. I wait and wait for her to get off the phone. But, she doesn't. By the time she does we're at the store.

"Sorry sweetie it was-"

"Work. I know, it's fine," I say exiting the car.

"What's wrong Mackenzie?" Mom asked resting her hand on my shoulder.

"Nothing," I mumbled.

"Well Mackenzie, I'm having some coworkers and my boss over for dinner Friday. We need to get you a dress, and pick up somethings for dinner," mom explained.

My heart dropped to my stomach. Friday? Seriously Friday?

"Uh mom, I was actually wondering if I could sleepover Brynn's on Friday?" I ask nervously.

She stops and looks at me shocked. "Mackenzie, you need to come to this dinner. I know you love Brynn and everything but, you need to come to this dinner. They're bringing their kids," mom explains.

"Mom, please," I begged.

"I'm sorry but the answer is no," mom said.

I sighed and walked with my mom into the store. I picked out a black lace dress with black heels. Mom insisted on getting me diamond earrings and a matching necklace. But, I already have a bunch of jewelry.

We hit the grocery store then back at home. Luckily dad is working late. So no screaming at each other.

I made some pizza bagels for myself and a cup of Mountain Dew and brought it to my room.

I set it on my nightstand and change into shorts and a t-shirt.

I grabbed my laptop and logged on to it, taking a seat on my bed. While I waited for it to load I grabbed a bagel.

I get to Skype and scroll through the contacts trying to find the name I want to talk to. I click it and let it ring. Time to talk.

What's up guys! Chapter one is up! I hope you liked it a lot.

So go vote comment tell me what you think. I love y'alls feedback so let me know.

Song of the chapter

Hold Me Down by Halsey.

QOTD: Favorite soda?
AOTD: Sprite and Mountain Dew

Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter.

Bye loves xoxo

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