Walk In My Shoes... Hearing Loss

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Most people assume one thing of those who are hard of hearing; that they are completely unable to perceive sound. I wish it was this simple, however there are many different phases.

For example, one may pass their newborn hearing test with perfect results, then progress through mild to profound hearing loss in later life. Likewise, one may also be born Deaf or with a hearing impairment.

For those with an impairment from birth, some speech difficulty may occur. It can be very difficult for these such individuals to communicate with their voice in fear of humiliation. Although, being diagnosed late can be extremely difficult.

Personally, I got my hearing aids two weeks before starting secondary school. This was devastating and there still are some times where I may be known to break down crying as I have still not had proper chance to adjust to it. Often with late diagnoses like mine, the hearing can get progressively worse. It is not nice to have to hear this, especially when feeling that I may  not be able to talk to anyone about it.  

It can be very frustrating for the hearing impaired when trying to speak and hear others, however there is nothing wrong with writing. It was really nice to be able to put fictional characters into my position and get them out safely.

Also, many hard of hearing people are very introverted, myself included. In crowds, we can get very stressed if there is not a clear way out, if more than one person is speaking, things can get very stressful.

Of course, the main fear for the hearing impaired is getting mocked for wearing heading aids/cochlear implants. Many people think that it's OK too talk about them behind their back because they won't hear. Situations like this have driven me to abandon my hearing aids in more than one occasion.

For me, communication is a thing I really need to get the hang of before I lose all hearing, so if you do know someone who is hard of hearing, do speak to them, just be wary of their emotions.

By Amber2301

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