Chapter 7: Hangovers, Angry Frenchmen, and Apologies

Start from the beginning

“Alexander? Son, what's wrong?” he called after him, but the student didn't turn back.

The professor looked at his class, confused. His students looked concerned, afraid, and confused as well.

“I will return shortly. Behave yourselves,” Washington nodded toward his students. “Lee, you're in charge while I'm gone.”

When Lee nodded, Washington walked back into the hall to find his son. He had an idea of where Alex was hiding. Unlike most people, who would hide out in the bathroom, Hamilton preferred to hide out in the library, hiding behind a book. George made his way to the giant college library and instantly found Alexander. He was hiding behind a big book about the Caribbean. The professor smiled softly at finding him. He walked over to him and sat down next to his favorite student.

Alexander didn't even budge as his father figure wrapped his arms around him.

“Son?” Washington tested the word.

“...I messed up again, dad!” Alex sobbed and hugged Washington tightly.

“Shh...shh, calm down,” Washington cooed and rubbed his back comfortingly. “It will be okay, I promise.”

“No...I don't think it will be,” Alex sniffled.

“Tell me what happened.”

“Okay, it all started the past summer…”


Thomas knew that Lafayette had ordered him to stay in the bed, but he had to get some coffee in his system. He didn't really feel like getting up. He got way too wasted last night. With a groan, he got out of the bed, almost falling from dizziness.

He heard someone chuckle and figured he wasn’t alone. He looked toward the sound and saw John Laurens at the desk watching him.

“I think Laf’s instructions were to stay in bed,” John said.

“And I think you should shut your mouth,” Thomas retorted.

“Whoa, feisty wonder Alex chose you,” John mumbled before turning back to his laptop.

“What are you doing here?” Thomas growled.

“Laf told me to watch you and make sure you didn’t get outta bed.”

“Well, you’re doing a bad job, cuz I’m up and going out for coffee.”

“As long as you’re back before noon, Laf shouldn’t notice,” John shrugged.

“Right,” Thomas rolled his eyes and began to walk out the door.

“Hey!” John called last minute. Thomas looked back at the guy that Alex cheated on him with. “...sorry about what happened...that summer...I got carried away. I let my emotions control me and the jealousy was overbearing. I’ve been in love with him since Freshman year of college broke my heart when he was dating anyone other than me,’re perfect for him, Jefferson. I realize that now...all of this mess is my fault. The two of you wouldn’t be arguing if I hadn’t been insistent. So...I’m sorry.”

John wiped a tear that had fallen during his apology rant.

“I appreciate the apology, John,” Thomas nodded. “Thank you.”

John nodded and there was a moment of silence before he asked, “Are you and Alex gonna get back together?”

“...I dunno. A part of me wants to keep fighting for him, but...another part of me wants to move on and the ‘moving on’ part of me is more prominent at the moment. I kinda don’t want to take another heartbreak, and with just seems that’s all there is with him.”


“I just wish we could go back to the way it was when Macaroni was around, y’know? All cuddles and kisses and love, but...that’s not how life works,” Thomas sniffled. “Um...I’m gonna go to the coffee shop want anything while I’m gone?”

“Thanks for the offer, but I’ll pass. I have to leave in a bit anyway,” John replied with a smile.

“Okay. I’ll see you.”

“Yeah, bye.”

Thomas left the room and headed for the coffee shop.


(1168 words)

Hey guys! I think I might have a Broadway/Musical Addiction. Send help. It literally all started with Hamilton then it was Heathers then it was Dear Evan Hansen now it's Be More Chill. Jeez, what comes next? I can barely write a sentence without making a reference. Sigh...anyway, I hope you all enjoyed! You know what to do if you did! I'll be here crying to Michael In the Bathroom. Love you all! Deuces!

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