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first off im so so so sorry about my absenses, this year brought some unexpected twists and turns i didn't think would happen, so first off, after this update i won't be able to update for a long while which will be explained in the sentences to come, but first I want to thank everyone who has read my fanfictions, i never thought i'd get so many votes and reads, it's just incredible, i can't say in words how grateful i truly am. Thank You!

alright now onto the hard part. in january i started going out with this guy, and since then i've tried my best to put my time into and socializing and being more socialy active, i don't have many friends so along with our relationship we're bestfriends, and like with all bestfriends free time doesn't exsit for other things so that is reason #1 and the reason i haven't updated Cautious Actions since january oOPs

2.) since the beginning of the year there had been talk of us moving, and I'm moving away, away from the boy i wish to spend the rest of my life with, which i know sounds stupid considering i'm barely 14, he truly means the world to me, and moving away from, it's killing me and has since the topic came up, I've cried so much and i haven't even moved yet. our house is for sale which has caused stress and anxiety for me, i can't walk in my street without seeing the sign on our front lawn. thing is this move wouldn't hurt that much if i were moving like 8 hours away. but no, im moving 4, 4 provinces away from the most important person in my life, and im terrified of so many things with this stupid move, i love him so much, and it, it just hurts a lot with all the possibilities that could happen with us, i hope we stay together, until im old enough to get my ass back here and take him away with me. i could sit here all night and write paragraphs on what i'll do when i graduate and why i love him so much, but i won't you guys aren't here for that, you're here for my fanfic which i admit, i have abandoned.

in the past i have asked my followers if i should restart my fanfics and make them better, they said no they're good as they are, but now because of my absences and my improvement in writing I have decided that when i move down to hell, i'll restart them, make the plotline more clear and finish them at some point, if highschool doesn't completely take over my life lol

anyway i'm very sorry once again for being gone so long and i will update soon I PROMISE (get it????????!?!?!?) anyway I'll update soon, thanks for reading!

Where you can find me

Instagram - Katsu.hoe

Youtube - Katsuhoe

if you have any further questions feel free to ask them and i'll try to reply :)

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