Picture Book

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Katsuki POV

My eyes slowly opened as they were welcomed by a semi-darkness, it was slightly light out but yet still dark. I couldn't sense Deku's heat either, "Deku, where'd you go?" i whispered, I heard no answer, i looked around but everything seemed as it was last night, "Deku..." i whispered louder. I started to get anxious.

I raised up from my spot on the bed and looked around squinting my eyes trying to see through the darkness, I then stood up and walked over to the light switch, i switched it as the light shone brightly "gahh." I allowed my eyes to get used to the light then I looked around again.

the closet doors were closed when they were open last night, i opened them slowly as I saw the green haired boy holding a picture book closely as he slept silently. I squatted and took a closer look at the picture book, i could see a faint word that kinda resembled my name. Deku then moved in his sleep and his grip seemed to have loosened on the book. 'he shouldn't mind if i check it out' i thought as i slowly took the book from his grip.

Once it was in my possession i closed the doors slightly and walked back to the bed, i turned the book onto the front and the words read "The Book Of Memories" my name was written all over the book as well. as i opened it all i could see were pictures of me and Deku, as i turned the pages i realized Deku had probably always loved me as well as admired me. I kept turning the pages, it was like our evolution as kids, after a few more pages turned there was a title which read "Katsuki's Gone" i slight frown appeared on my face.

i slowly turned the page then saw class photos, yearbook photos, other photos, just of me, besides a selfie Deku took when i was in the background, i kept turning the pages, i found class pictures, our classmates from middle school, that section came to an end when i found another page titled "UA".

there are pictures of everyone along with their quirks, i grew pretty fascinated as i flipped each page, then i came across another section. "Dreams Do Come True" i looked at that title for a good minute wondering what it meant then flipped the page, it was no longer a normal picture book, it was now more of a journal with pictures on the sides of each paragraph little notes too!

i looked up from the book for a second, and put it aside, i walked over to the closet, noticing that Deku looked uncomfortable, "Nerd" i whispered as i opened the closet doors wide enough so i could pick up Izuku. Once i had him in my arms bridal style i stood there not really doing anything but staring at his beautiful face. I kissed his cheek then walked over to the bed and lay him where he was before, i covered him up then kissed his forehead.

i walked back to the spot i was at before and sat down, i grabbed the picture book once again and begun to read

"So, i've never written anything like this before, but i want to start writing things like this so i can have every memory with Katsuki at my hands i guess? that probably sounds stupid.. greeeatt, anyway this first one isn't a memory it's just a paragraph about how grateful i am for him so lets get this thing started.

when Kacchan asked me to hang out with him i was so confused and scared i thought he wanted to hurt me, i thought he found out how much i loved him and admired him, he didn't though i was sorta relieved, but when we sat on that bench and he wrapped his arms around me and cried because he was scared for my sake, i wanted to cry as well, it felt like some sort of dream that i thought i'd wake up from, but no i didn't wake up, it only got better, he's my boyfriend now, like my dream for years has finally come true, was this always going to happen? is there another timeline where i suffer? is there a timeline where we've always been together? or is this just plain fate?

honestly, i don't care about all those things, I'm just so happy he's finally mine...

yeah he's mine, when he accidentally activated his quirk, he was so worried about me, honestly it didn't hurt all that bad since he was next to me, when i was younger i'd always follow him around even if it would've killed me, i guess i stopped feeling physical pain after he'd hurt me so many times or maybe it's due to the fact that i've adjusted to his quirk? i don't know, but what i do know is that i never want to loose him, NEVER.

Kacchan if you ever read this please don't leave me stay with me forever, let's get married, let's have a life together, let's always be there for each other, that's my new dream, i never want you to leave, so don't,

i love you so much, i love HIM so fucking much its unbelievable."

somewhere along the way reading this, i started to cry, he's cared for so,so, so long and he doesn't want me to ever leave, he loves me so much, how did i get so lucky? man i love you too Izuku, don't' leave me either.

i put the book away after reading that, still dazed by what i read. I placed the book back in the closet and turned off the lights, it was brighter out than when i awoke before. I walked back to the bed and cuddled up next to Izuku, "I love you" i whispered as i heard each of his soft breaths, "so,so, so much".


I slowly opened my eyes as they were welcomed by the soft light of the sun, from how lifely the room feels im guessing it's around 9 or 10am. As i begun to raise up from laying on the bed i slowly realized 'wait...wasn't i in the closet writing my "journal entry" and wasn't i adding new pictures in the scrapbook?!' i slowly looked behind me as i saw Kacchan all stretched out taking up the whole bed, "did he wake up at some point and take me back to the bed?" i quietly whispered, "WHAT IF HE SAW IT!" i screamed as i covered my face. "hhuurrmm" i heard Kacchan groan "sorry" i whispered as i removed my hands from my face. Kacchan slowly opened his eyes and looked over at me with his eyes squinted.

"Deku, why'd you scream? i couldn't make out what you said, you okay?" Kacchan asked patiently as he rose up from his laying place on the bed and looked me in the eyes, "N-nothing, everything is fine" i smiled, "DEKU YOUR AS PALE AS A GHOST, ARE YOU SURE YOU'RE OKAY?" Katsuki screamed making a scene, "i'm fine, just a little off at the moment hehe" i looked down to the bed as i moved my feet around. trying to avoid Kacchan.

"if you're worried about how you got there i randomly woke up at like i dont know...earlier? and well i found you in the closet with a scrapbook thing"

'i'm doomed, that's it, my funeral is coming i swear to god'

"you know.. i did look through book, just a little though, not the whole thing...i read that journal entry thing..the first one and Deku no, no Izuku i had no idea..." Kacchan talked slowly as his face kept changing expressions, "in the entry you said you wanted to get married.. and we haven't been together that long, only like a week but you're already thinking so far ahead... and just I love you too, more than you know, you Nerd" Kacchan let out a sweet smile that was welcoming.

"Kacchan.." i was starting to tear up for two reasons, pure happiness as well as nervousness with what he all saw in the scrapbook, but honestly i'm more happy than worried. Kacchan opened his arms up, welcoming me into them. I jumped into his arms tackling him to the bed without any thought. We stay there as the sun continued to rise higher and higher in the sky.

"Dammit Deku your so cute~" Kacchan chuckled "Kaacchhannn~" i complained "hehe" he laughed as i whined.
We lay there on the bed flirting for who knows how long until we heard a knock on the door.


i'm sorry, I haven't updated since october.... i feel so bad, and this is my first fanfic too, i've been focusing on "I Promise" more than this story i'm so very sorry, please forgive me, i'll update more often now that it's 2017, i'll also try, TRY to write better chapters than i have been, lately my chapters are just plain, and really just not getting to the problem in the story, i'll fix that too!

anyway HAPPY NEW YEAR! and yeah

RIP 2016, no one is going to miss you

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