[Imagine] Prank war

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Imagine: The Winchester boys & you have been having a prank war

Your first victim was Sam. One day while Sam was sleeping Dean & you stole some clown stuff from a abandoned circus. Dean & you put clowns everywhere In Sam's room.

Once you finished re-decorating Sam's room, you and Dean started yelling
"wake up Sammy! Tha clown-pocalypse started!" & Just to make sure Sam woke up you jumped on his back, making him grunt.

You & Dean bolted out of Sam's room & held The doorknob. Sam frantically juggles doorknob in attempt to get out. Dean squeezed The doorknob as hard as he could, keeping Sam locked in.

"LET ME OUT!" Sam yelled, banging on The door.

You & Dean just laughed & kept holding the door closed. After a while of banging on the door & yelling Sam gave up. That's when Dean opened to door. Sam bolted out the door and into the main room. You collapsed to the floor from laughing too much, which made Dean do the same. Sam stared at you two rolling on the floor, looking like total doofs, making him laugh too. For a week Sam slept with one eye open even more traumatized than before. Poor Sammy.

Dean was your next victim. Well, she should've seen it coming since he was making fun of you that day.

The Winchester boys & you were coming back from eating. Of course Dean bought a whole extra pie for breakfast the next morning. Dean was in such a good mood that the whole ride he was making fun of how short & weak you were compared to him. After what seemed like a century you guys pulled into the bunker. Sam & you plopped on the couch & started watching t.v. Dean pranced to the fridge & plopped his pie in.

"I'm saving you for tomorrow" Dean said in a seductive tone.

He walked over to the couch and out of nowhere started tickling you.

You could have sworn you would've knocked out from lack of oxygen is you hasn't managed to choke out "mercy"

Dean threw his head back in laughter.

Leaning over to Sam you whisper "Be a dear and help me tie Dean to a chair, yeah?"

Dean gave you a confused look, wondering what you were talking about.

"Why?" Sam asked, confusion spreading across his face.

"Because we're gonna eat his pie." You giggle.

Sam let out a mischievous smile & nodded. Sam's & your head snapped towards Dean. The most mischievous look spread across your face. Dean's eyes widened and he turned to bolt out the door. Somehow you managed to grab his wrist & hold him back while Sam grabbed his other arm.

"LET ME GO YOU PRICKS!" Dean yelled, anger in his voice.

Sam & you dragged Dean into the kitchen and shoved him on a chair. Sam held Dean down as you tied him up.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Dean yells.

You lean down, lips almost brushing against his ear.

"Shhh. You should've know this was coming." You whisper, trying hard not to burst out laughing.

Sam gets the pie out of the fridge and plops it on the table.

"I swear if you guys lay a single finger on my pie, I'll kill you." Dean says enraged.

Sam looks Dean right in the eyes and slowly opens the pie's container. You take a sniff of the pie and get 2 girls out. Sam takes the first scoop & slowly eats the pie. Savoring the flavor. You do the same, smashing the pie against the roof of your mouth.

"Mmmmm." You say mocking Dean with a wide smile on your face.

That's when Dean started thrashing around in his chair, trying to get free. It was no use against your boss tying skills. Once you & Sam finished the pie, Sam released the beast. He attacked Sam first giving you time to run & lock yourself in your room.

All you could hear was yelling and thuds from Sam most likely being shoved. Then that's when you heard stomping coming your way. Laughing you curled up in your bed, trying to accept fate.

"Y/n! Get your ass out here!" Dean yells, banging on the door.

"I'll get in there if you let me in or not!" He yells.

After a few seconds your door flings open and Dean stomps in. You tried to run for it, but you were no match. He grabbed you & threw you over his shoulder. He tickled you (why did you let him find out your weakness) you tried pounding your little balled up fists on his back & you even said mercy, but it had no effect. After a couple of minuets of trying not to loss yourself or knock out, he tossed you on your bed. Right before he walked out he flipped you off and smiled.

Dean's revenge

Somehow you & Dean discovered a hidden pool outside the bunker. (Sam was on a hunt) Dean & you exchanged amazed looks.

"Hey, can I see tour phone for a sec?" Dean asks.

"Uh, ok?" You say confused.

You hand your phone over to him. Out of nowhere he picked you up and threw you in the pool.

"Finally got you back!" Dead yells, laughing.

Little did Dean know... you couldn't swim. You started thrashing around trying to stay above the water, but all you did was sink. Dean stared at the bubbles popping at the surface. That's when he realized.

"Oh, shit!" Dean tells himself.

He took off his jacket and dove in after you. He swam down to where you were and wrapped an arm sound your chest. He swam to the surface & dragged You out the pool. You gasped for air as he layed you on the warm concrete floor.

"I'm so, so sorry y/n. I didn't know you couldn't swim!" Dean apologized, concern on his face.

"Fuck you." Was all you managed to choke out.

"I think this prank war has gone a little too far." Dean chuckled.

"No shit sherlock." You laughed.
Dean helped you up & walked you to the bunker.

Before you entered tlyour room you exlaimed "Thanks for the near death experience, Dean!"

"I said I was sorry y/n! What else do you want?!" Dean chuckled.

"What I want is to change into dry clothes!" You yell back, smile on your face.

After changing you walked into the kitchen.

"Can't wait to tell Sam what he missed"

This was actually really fun to write! Don't forget to comment & vote!

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