[Dean x reader] Hate. Love.

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This one was requested by my cousin who is in love with Dean.

Hope you guys enjoy😁 feel free to comment ideas and thoughts😊

"You could have gotten yourself killed!" Dean yells while you walk into the bunker.

"Oh come on! I could have taken him on myself." You respond.

"Oh, so that's why you have a bullet in your shoulder?" Dean yells back sarcastically.

"It's just a little wound, how many times have you and Sam been shot, Dean?!" You exclaim.

"That's not the point y/n! We had back up, you didn't" Dean replies his voice getting louder.

"I am my own back up... I'm not a child Dean! I can take care of myself!" You say, clenching your fists.

"What if he shot you in your head Y/N... why do you never use your head! You're the worst damn hunter I've ever seen. how did we end up with you?!" Dean yells, taking a step closer. You took another step closer, showing you weren't scared of the angry man towering over you.

"Nice to know how you really feel! It's my life Dean, I can do what I want! If you don't like that then maybe I should just leave!" You yell, voice cracking under the pressure.

"Fine, leave! You won't last one day out there by yourself!" Dean exclaims.

You turn around heading to your room with balled fists and slam your door shut. Grabbing your duffle bag, you close your eyes with tears threatening to come. You shove some clothes, a gun, some gauze and a wad of cash you were saving in case of an emergency, ignoring the pain from your wound. You open your room door only to come face to face with Dean.

"Y/N I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I was just worried about you. I can't let you leave." Dean says, standing in your way.  His eyes glossy with a worried look on his face. He put his hand on your shoulder, but you swatted it off ignoring the pain that shot its way down your arm.

"You made it clear that you didn't want me here, I'm leaving whether you like it or not. Now get out of my way before I make you." You say anger blazing in your eyes.

"I told you, I'm not gonna let you leave. Plus, you're hurt y/n, I need to take care of you." Dean says stepping into your room.

You sit on your bed and pat the spot next to you signaling Dean to sit. He gives to you a confused look and carefully sits in the empty spot next to you.

"Wha- Hey!" He shouts as you bolt for the door.

You make it about halfway up the stairs before Dean grabs you by the ankle causing you to fall. You feel the pain surge through your shoulder.

"Ah fuck! Let go, asshole!" You exclaim holding your shoulder, rolling over on your back to look at him. He looks back up at you with a sorry face and starts pulling you towards him.

"I said let, GO!" You scream, kicking Dean on the stomach sending him flying back down the stairs.

"SHIT!" Dean yells as you scramble up the stairs and open the bunker door, ignoring the searing pain in your shoulder for the 20th time. You think of the nearest hotel... 10 miles away.

"Y/N!" You hear Dean yell from inside the bunker.

You snap your body in the opposite direction and book it, adrenaline running through your veins, making the pain vanish. Dean stopped chasing you miles ago. You could see glow of the hotel sign in the distance.

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