"When I Was Your Age" 2.0

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"Baba, I can't keep up with the chores. I hate doing the dishes all on my own and-"

"When I was your age, I used to wake up at four AM just to milk the cows and help your grandfather on the farm until I went to school and still had to help him after school until sunset and you're complaining about washing a few cups?"

"Baba, I don't know how to connect all these parts of the table. I need hel-"

"When I was your age, I knew how to go from the north side of the country to the south side all on my own with no help."

"Baba, studying is distracting when sharing rooms. I need my own room to improve my-"

"When I was your age, I had to study on a candle light while sharing a room with five younger, annoying brothers and still managed to get top of my class. Be an adult for once and suck it up."

"Baba, taking the bus to school takes forever. I think it's better for me to get a car."

"When I was your age, I used to walk at least five miles everyday to go and come home from school. So spoiled..."

...and it all ends with criticism toward this generation...

Shout out to our parents; we all know it's true many of them studied on candle lights. 😶


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