Three. Sex on the Beach

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"Be careful, those are officially the most expensive things I own." Alya held my new red pumps up in the air. After spending a generous time at my sewing machine, I decided to put my employee discount to good use. I am now the owner of a pair of cherry red Agreste pumps.

"So if I gave you money, could you use your discount for me?" She inspected it all over, before slipping it on her foot, admiring it from all angles.

"I can only use it once a month, so next month just tell me what you want and I'll get it." I shrugged going back to my mirror to continue to blend my eyeshadow.

"Thanks, and thanks for taking me out tonight, I don't know when the last time I was out." She put my heels carefully back in their box before putting on her own pair. She was wearing an olive green dress I made for her for my bridal party, which she apologized profusely for wearing tonight, but if anything I understand the most when it comes to recycling clothes, besides it was a beauty I spent two months creating.

"I haven't been out in awhile either." I sighed. Sadly the last time I've been out was indeed with Nathaniel. "Hopefully we haven't been away from the scene for too long."

"Dear lord, what if we get tired before midnight." She groaned.

"I get tired eating dinner." I laughed, throwing my makeup brush down. "Help me put my dress on." I had already squeezed into a fitting bra and garter belt to hold up the rhinestone studded tights I was wearing.

Alya carefully grabbed my creation from off the rack and I stood with my arms up as she slid the dress over me.

It was red, the neckline plunged, not enough to give people a show but enough to let people know I totally could. Rather than going for a bodycon dress that leaves little to the imagination, I gave it a pleated skirt that flowed with my movements, it hit just above my knee. My waist was adorned with black ribbon, tied meticulously to the back in a big bow. My hair was in a twisted knot, leaving my bangs to halo my face.

"And you said you haven't designed since Nathan?" Alya whispered in awe.

My eyes watered as I shook my head. "It's been even longer than that." I forced my head to look up so no tears fell. "I stopped the week we moved in together." I confessed.

"Mari... that's four years." She said in disbelief.

Only one tear slipped out, but it didn't do any damage. "I feel like I'm finally becoming the person I was destined to be." I closed my eyes as I put my head down. "I just wish I hadn't wasted so much time to realize I wasn't happy."

"Well, if anything you've gotten better. I mean look at you." She gestured to my figure and I looked again, instead of criticizing my work I found myself appreciating the person inside the dress because she's been through hell and back.

"You're right." I sighed. "And there's no use crying about lost time, that just means I'm losing more time crying over lost time." Me and her stared at each other in silence before we both began to laugh.

"And on that note, I think it's about time we headed out."


"Nino? Is that you?" I paused beside the DJ booth as the guy took off his headphones with a grin.

"It's been too long!" He hollered as he brought me into a hug. "Adrien Agreste! I didn't even think about you being here!" I smiled back somewhat sheepishly.

"Chloe gave me the invitation at the beginning of this week actually... I had her emails directed to my junk mail since we got out of college."

Thankfully Nino found the situation funny as he began to laugh. "Oh man, that's just too funny." The song was coming to an end so he looked me over for a second before smiling again. "It was nice seeing you man, maybe when the night dies down more I'll be able to catch a drink with you," he reached into his pocket pulling out a card. "If not, here, contact me and we'll try to set something up." He shrugged putting on a new song, I watched him in his element before I noticed he froze looking over the crowd. In curiosity I looked over his booth to see both Alya and Marinette descending the grand staircase.

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