Deal (Ohmtoonz) Supernatural AU

Start from the beginning

With a sigh and a bit of a loud kick of some rocks, Ohm began to dig into the soft earth, deciding to remove the box, he'd wasted his time.

His hands became dirty and cool from the ground, and as he was about to lift up the dirt, he stopped dead in his tracks, the unfamiliar goosebumps causing fear to run through him.

He knew it was because he heard something behind him, and within seconds, he was off the ground and holding his silver knife as he stood in a fighting stance.

What stared back at him made Ohm shiver uncontrollably, for he had never seen anything like this before.

It-he-had sparkling brown eyes, ones filled with mischief and curiosity. A pair of black horns stood out perfectly atop red-brown hair, matching the black business suit he wore. He had a beard that, to be honest, made the thing extremely intimidating, and the way he kept playing with his tie drove Ohm to believe he couldn't care less about dealing with him.

Ohm couldn't help it as his armed hand went back down to his side, he was too shocked to care about fighting. He kept his eyes on the thing's horns, and as it spoke, Ohm felt the need to interrupt.

"That knife won't do much other than put a hole in this meat suit."

He looked down at the medium sized weapon and smiled, "But you're not here to kill me, you're looking to strike a deal. I'm all about those greetings, so first thing's first, my name's-"

"You're Satan."

The thing laughed, walking closer to Ohm, only a couple feet away now, and loosened his blood red tie, smiling a smile that made Ohm's skin crawl.

"No. That's real flattering, but I'm afraid you're wrong." He circled around the hunter, taking in his physique and seemingly assessing him. "I'm just a normal crossroads demon. Well, maybe not normal, because I'm the damn best, but you get the gist."

Ohm nodded slowly, mouth slightly open as he took in the demon before him. As if to prove it, his eyes flashed red for a split second before he spoke again, all while Ohm stared.

"They call me Cartoonz. But Toonz is fine, too."

Instead of nodding, saying his own name, acknowledging Toonz's words, doing anything rational, Ohm said the first and dumbest thing that came to mind.

"Do all demons have horns?"

He received a dark laugh in return.

Toonz clasped his hands together behind his back, staring Ohm down, shrugging lightly.

"These?" He used a hand to motion towards the horns on his head. "Oh, no. I just get 'em cuz I'm a favorite and demanded something cool to scare the shit out of you humans."

Ohm nodded slowly, watching as Cartoonz kicked a rock towards him, smirking when the brunette jumped back.

"You don't know much about demons, do you?"

Ohm shook his head carefully, narrowing his eyes a little bit and opening his black leather jacket to reveal the holy water in an inside pocket.

"I don't, but that doesn't mean I'm not dangerous."

The demon rolled his eyes, smile still planted on his face, moving closer to Ohm, so he was standing just a few feet away. The brunette let his jacket fall back down and backed up a step.

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