Blind Date (Brohm)

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"I don't know, Jonathan, this seems kinda dumb."

"What?! It's not dumb! I've been setting this up for a month now, Ryan!"

"Yeah, and you haven't told me a single thing about this guy."

Jonathan rolled his eyes at the older male, fixing the collar on the brunette's flannel, using his thumb and forefinger to smooth it down and make it even.

The hazel eyed male had his hands in his black jeans' pockets, slouching a little, eyes looking a bit bored as Jonathan fixed him up.

"It's a blind date, Ryan. That's the whole point. You don't know anything about him."

Ryan sighed, licking his lips absently before his voice broke through the air.

"Watch me get murdered by a clown because you set me up on a blind date with this Bryce guy."

Jonathan huffed, stepping back to admire his work and staring, making sure Ryan looked perfect.

"You're gonna get killed by a clown, alright, but it won't be Bryce."

Ryan sighed at the threat, looking over Jonathan's head to stare at himself in the mirror.

He didn't look too bad. He had to give props to Jon, because, even if his ideas weren't always the best, he really knew how to put an outfit together.

"You're welcome." The blue eyed male interrupted, furrowing his brows at Ryan and waiting for his words.

Ryan nodded, stepping down from the stool Jon had put him on to work easier, and going towards the living room, not bothering to ask Jon about the tv, he had been over enough times to know how to work it.

"Thanks, Del." He let the nickname slip, and Jonathan winced a bit at it, a few memories coming back.

It was the nickname Ryan had called him when they dated a while back. It didn't work out, obviously, but that didn't stop the two from being best friends.

In fact, the relationship was just plain sad. It was often awkward and weird, due to them being so different. Fights broke out often, and it was just all together a mistake. They found it much easier to be friends than partners.

That was part of the reason Jonathan had set up this blind date: to get Ryan over the past and over them.

The brunette had told Jonathan he didn't care about it, but Jon knew better. He could still read the man like a book.

And he could read that Ryan still thought about them once in a while. Still felt bad after calling it off, but, truth be told, Jon was much happier now that they weren't together.

He was talking to a guy from Canada, and things were going well. But he didn't want to take things any further until Ryan had someone to call his own.

Jonathan still cared about him, and he wanted Ryan to be happy, more than anything he wanted the man to be happy, and he knew Bryce could give him that happiness.

Jonathan had met Bryce a few months ago at a mini golf course that he had went to with Luke. Bryce worked there, and he instantly struck Jon as Ryan's type.

Of course, Jon wasn't going to ask him straight out if he was gay, so instead, he made friends with Bryce.

About a month ago, after Jon had been showing Bryce pictures of him and Ryan, (hoping to get a reaction out of the blonde) Bryce had let it slip that he thought Ryan was cute.

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