Chapter 7

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As soon as The Driver was gone, we all went up stairs to check out our rooms. Mine was in the far right corner, Allies was on the left corner, Chess got a middle room, along with Jerome, and Nick had a room at the end of the hallway. As I walked in my room I noticed that it rather smaller than my last room but I guess that's another cost living here.

All of my bags were placed in a small pile, along with a few boxes of items from my room. I sighed as I began placing everything around me and started to put things in drawers and shelves. As I finished folding the last of my clothes I heard a loud crash and crack.

I sprinted to my door in fear of something bad but found Nick and Allie standing apart from each other. I looked at the ground to see a old clock. The glass on the clack didn't look broken but the ticking sounded wrong. "Who and what broke?" alie and Nick looked at me then started yelling while pointing each other.

Jerome soon came out and saw us, mainly he looked at the ground then me. I mouthed a 'Help me please' and he nodded then grabbed something in his pocket then walked to us. "Call, heads or tales?" Nick and Allie looked at him.



Jerome flipped a coin and grabbed it, placing it on the back of his hand then revealed it. "Nick, you take responsibility and clean up." He then walked away with a wave to his room. Nick groaned while Allie hummed. Rolling my eyes I walked back inside my room.

After a bit I walked outside and down into the kitchen, where Allie was texting, Nick was laying his head down and groaning, Chess was searching cabinets, and Jerome was looking through the fridge. "Food?" Chess shook her head, "Nothing is in here." Jerome stated as he closed the fridge. I scratched my head then remembered my wallet upstairs that I had filled with money and a card my parents gave me. "My mom gave me tickets for 5 people to a dinner and show? Let me go get it."

I ran upstairs and came back down with a wallet. I grabbed out 5 tickets, all of them saying:




Nick did wolf whistle as he read the tickets. "This grants you free food on certain days if you have this."

"Well then, aren't we lucky my mom is to generous."

"A little too generous, but we should thank her later."

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