Bonus Round 3: Prequel - @AllanFisher

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Powerpeople: Dawn of the Puppet Master


Call it what you like, a Re-Education centre is nothing more than a glorified prison. All around Joey Wood's cell was a cacophony of sound. Inmates screamed, swore, laughed and cried but somehow Joey slept through all of it. Of course, it wasn't his first visit, and undoubtedly it wouldn't be his last.

The huge men who lifted him from his bunk didn't do so delicately, in fact they simply wrapped him up in his sheet and carried him off like a sack of potatoes. Joey kicked and cursed to no avail until finally he was dumped onto the cold tile at the feet of Dr. Julius Candle.

Dr. Candle smiled nastily down at him. "Good morning Joseph."

"Fuck you Candle... I'm not gonna be your guinea pig anymore!" Joey yelled trying to stand. The huge guards pinned him to the floor.

"Now, now Joseph... you're going to do exactly as I say whether you like it or not." The doctor replied calmly.

Joey balled his fists and spoke through gritted teeth, "You can just go fuck yourse..."

Without warning Dr. Candle kicked him hard in the belly.

"You will do exactly as I say Joseph, or we will pay a visit to Dr. Cicely. Do you understand?"

Joey's body went limp and he turned his face to the floor. Tears filled his eyes. "Yes, I understand... I'll do exactly as you say doc..." he sobbed.

Dr. Candle sneered condescendingly at him and then turned to the guards.

"Take him away and clean him up."

As the guards dragged him away Joey forced himself to look at the row of beds against the far wall. There were twelve shackled men in all, one per bed. At least they used to be men. The levels of disfigurement ranged from merely shocking to horribly grotesque.

Joey felt a wave of nausea and turned his eyes to the floor sobbing even harder.

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