Bonus Round 2: Sometimes It Just Doesn't End...

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I think we've all read a book that never seems to end. It continues past the logical conclusion point, detailing the lives of the main characters after the climax—from the joys and horrors of finally banging one another, to their trials and tribulations on the toilet at age seventy-five. You might wonder just what the hell the author was thinking. Were they drunk and on drugs? Were they so in love with the characters they created that they couldn't let them go?

In this bonus round, your mission—should you choose to accept it—is to write a 500-word epilogue to your Round 2 story. Sounds simple, right? Here's the thing, though: It's gotta be set ten years later.

Submit through the usual means, by emailing them as .doc or .docx files to

Those of you who complete this task will gain an advantage to be used automatically in Round 3. The advantage will bump up your highest score to a 5/5. If you've already got a 5/5, your next-highest score will go up to a 5. If you've got a perfect 15/15 score, your advantage will act as a +1, effectively turning that into a 16/15 score. As we saw in Round 2, this could be the difference between going to Redemption Island or winning Round 3.

You will have 48 hours, starting now!

That means the deadline is 12:30 AM EST, Tuesday June 27th! I believe that's 4:30 AM UTC.

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