Chapter 25

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Ivy did her best to dismiss the reason for her sound, all night rest but she couldn't; Aiden was the reason for it. She fell asleep in his arms, awoke safely in his arms and having slept peacefully showed.

She thought back to the final conversation they had when Ivy told him she had an answer to his previous question.

This would not be simple, or cut and dried. She had forgiven him enough, but there was so much repairing that needed to be done. She made sure he knew it would not be easy and he'd better be sure because once they started this path it was all or nothing...go big or go home and Ivy wasn't going anywhere.

Speaking of her errant lover, not Dom, it couldn't be like that for a while; that term held such a horrific connotation for her she refused to even give it breath of life. Ivy wondered where he might be as she didn't hear the shower.

Taking as much time as she needed, she made it to her feet, noticing right away that she wasn't hurting near as much today as in days passed; that meant she was finally healing up properly and it was noticeable.

Getting her morning tasks completed she exited the bathroom and started for the kitchen and that's when she heard voices; Krista and Aiden, it was a very heated and intense conversation, well at least on Krista's end.

"I just honestly can't even stand to be in the same room as you right now" Krista gritted. Aiden continued glaring at the non-submissive woman; Ivy's words coming back loud and clear and she most definitely did not have a laid back bone in her body.

"Ivy is one of the purest, gentlest souls I've ever known. Given how she speaks about you I know you are aware of her past and what kind of home she grew up in; having known that why would you hurt her the way you did?

That asshole she hooked up with nearly killed her and God only knows how long it's going to take her to get over this whole thing." Krista was hovering between furious and crying and Ivy had seen this all before.

Making her presence known Ivy made her way over to Krista and without saying a word she folded the young woman into her arms.

"I appreciate you being here Krista. I love you and you're my sister but please don't be angry with Aiden, not unless you can focus the same amount on me. I'm just as to blame" Ivy whispered in her ear.

Nodding silently Krista bestowed a kiss on her friend's cheek and then said she was going to take a shower and phone her mother, gazing at Aiden she said "Wallace" as she left the room. That left Ivy and Aiden bathing in a semi-awkward moment, until Ivy turned and walked over to where Aiden was standing.

Walking right up to him she had no trouble or hesitation with ensconcing herself between his legs and letting her arms go around his middle; she needed this at the moment, she needed the safety and warmth that he provided her. She could be pissed at him later.

Ivy just stood there, loving the feeling of his arms around her and how he held her close. She took in his manly scent, enjoying the way it swirled around her ever so lightly, and there was the steady beating of his heart...strong, like he was, like she needed him to be.

"There's fresh coffee and pastries" he mumbled against her hair as she rested her chin on his chest and looked up at him.

He was very patient in letting her study him. Their eyes never leaving each other's, but still seeming to take in every little detail about the other's face.

Aiden tucked a piece of Ivy's hair behind her ear. "You're so beautiful Ivy" he said, almost whispering. Ivy gave a little smile and laid her head back down on his chest; it was home and what she needed at the moment.

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