Chapter 2

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Twenty long hours, two days, and two nights and over thirteen hundred miles is what the girls traveled. Ivy's little KIA Soul being the mechanical trooper she'd hoped it to be.

They had driven through nine states, stopping at each state line crossing for a selfie. South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, DC, Maryland, Delaware, New York, New Jersey and finally into Connecticut.

The last hour they pulled into a gas station for fuel and the largest coffees they could buy. Ivy was surprised at the good time they had. She had five days to settle into her apartment, go shopping and just get a general lay of the land before joining the real world of corporate America.

After settling back into the car and buckling up, Ivy pulled out her phone to check on her apartment. One of the instructions she had been given by the manager of Wallace's HR department was to call when she was an hour away so that way the manager of her apartment complex could have everything ready for her.

It rang only twice before a deep male voice answered on the other end.

"Yes good morning this is Ivy Glenn and I was told to phone when I was an hour away from y'all."

Ivy blushed at what the man was saying, no doubt he was commenting on her accent and the use of y'all.

Quickly gesturing to Krista for a pen and paper Ivy took down the specific directions to her complex, the direct phone number for residents only and instructions on where to park.

Apparently they had the personnel to help new residents move in, so that meant that she and Krista would not have to deal with any of that! How exciting!

"Yes, I have everything written down and I understand exactly what to do" Ivy responded. "Oh and sir? Thank you!" The call ended and Ivy threw her phone into the console and then looked over at Krista who was grinning like the Cheshire cat.

"What?" Ivy said a little irritated because she knew what was coming, it always happened.

"Oh and sir? Thank you!" Krista repeated in an ever exaggerated southern drawl. Ivy reached out and playfully slapped her on the wrist.

Giggling, Krista turned in the seat so she could look at her friend. "Belle you are THE consummate 'Southern Belle' and I hope to God these northerners don't chew you up and spit you out because you are just too kind and sweet for your own good."

Ivy knew exactly what her friend was driving at, she'd seen Gone with the Wind and prayed to God that she was more like Scarlett than Melanie. She shivered at the thought.

"Well let's get going and show them what the South is really all about!" Ivy said grinning. She threw her car into drive and they sped back onto the main road and towards their destination.

Exactly one hour later they pulled in front of the most beautiful high rise building either of them had ever seen before except on the internet or TV.

It had to be at least forty stories tall. The outside was covered in glass; beautiful, dark, smoky glass. On the front of the building, in gorgeously polished brass lettering, was the name of the fortress. Emerald Heights.

Ivy was awestruck and speechless, the words were there but she couldn't give them life. There had to be a mistake. She kept looking at the paper where she had written the information and then back at the building. It was the correct address, description, and everything, right down to the landscaping. Well, there was only one thing to do and that was to go inside and make sure that she wasn't losing her mind somehow. Although, it was entirely possible at this stage of the game.

Pulling open the heavy glass inlaid door, Ivy walked up to the granite desk clearly labeled Resident Information Desk - Please ring bell for assistance.

Cracked ButterflyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora