Chapter 22

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Ivy felt like a shell of her former self. She had never felt so alone, so empty as she did now and the only way she knew of dealing with it was to immerse herself in another Dom. Aiden, goddamn him, had her hooked on the lifestyle already and she hungered for it; it felt insatiable, the need.

Right now dealing with having to work in the same building as him and Jensen was harder than anything she had known and she couldn't figure out what in the hell she had done wrong. In her mind's eye she had been the perfect sub.

"Well if you had been the perfect sub why was he fucking someone else?" That snarky bitch living inside Ivy's head was giving her a massive migraine; trying to be the voice of reason but all she was succeeding in doing was making Ivy want to dig her out to silence her. She didn't need this, not on today of all days. She was meeting with Jensen, Aiden and the Zeus people to present them with the new campaign ideas and Ivy had dressed for it. She was not going to allow Aiden Wallace to see her weeping about like a fragile reed, bending in the wind. No Sir, he was going to see exactly what he'd let slip through his fingers.

She chose her black fitted dress slacks, the blood red silk button down and she paired it with a black lace camisole underneath it allowing her to leave some buttons undone and her cleavage on display looking perfectly round and perky. Eat your heart out Aiden! The sky high black heels didn't hurt either.

Just as she was standing up and gathering her materials, Matilda walked in carrying her old favorite, a cappuccino. Ivy sipped it gratefully while her assistant looked at her with empathy.

"Matilda I love you but I'm just not ready to discuss anything yet. It's too fresh and it still stings like hell. I have to get through this meeting with Zeus and then we can meet for lunch, away from here preferably, and I will tell you everything."

Matilda nodded and took the items Ivy handed to her and they both walked out to gather Jamal and Kim and then headed for the main conference room area when she was stopped by Jensen Woods. Ivy sighed loudly prompting a scowl from Jensen which she didn't give a flying fig about.

"Mr. Woods, I'm in a hurry. What can I do for you?" Ivy snapped. Jensen had her back against the wall in a flash.

"Do not forget who you are speaking to" his voice full of warning and just then Ivy pushed him harder than she meant to, gasping as he stumbled back a bit.

She gained her composure quickly; so quickly Jensen looked at her and was stunned into silence. She felt a tiny shot of power over his facial expression as she pretended to straighten the front of her blouse down.

Clearing her throat, Ivy asked again, her tone more even and professional. "Mr. Woods how may I help you? We are going to be late to our meeting." Nodding Jensen adjusted his tie before answering her.

"Ms. Glenn whatever you think you saw the other night, at the club..." He never got to finish because Ivy scoffed. "Are you really going to try that line on me? Jensen you were there and I know very good and well that it was everything I thought it was and more. He fucked someone else after he promised to protect me, keep me safe and not take on another sub. He lied. On all accounts." She smirked a little from the show she was giving of her retreating hips sensually swaying.

Screw them! She had sexuality and she was going to use it! With her head held high she dominated in the conference room and there it felt good, like it was supposed to be this way but she longed to be dominated in the bedroom; the most intimate of places.

By the time Ivy and her group were done, she had Jensen leering at her, Aiden scowling at her and Zeus himself staring hungrily at her which seemed to infuriate Aiden even more so she continued pouring on the charm and when the meeting was finally over there was going to be a showdown.

Cracked Butterflyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें