Chapter 7

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(And once again huge kudos to my lovely and talented friend @juliedeville0709 for her outstanding editing!)

Ivy had been up for a full hour before Krista, crying in her bathroom at the thought of her friend leaving to go back home.

It had seemed so natural, her being there and Ivy didn't know how to cope with being alone. This would be the first time ever and it would certainly prove if she was cut out to live on her own, without family and friends around her.

She had left Krista an ice cold bottle of water, tall glass of orange juice and two Aleve on her bedside table. Nothing killed a horrific hangover like those three items, something Krista had taught her.

"You can do this Ivy" she kept chanting to herself in the mirror. But could she though? She had no choice really. She had already accepted the job, and basically couldn't return home so what other course did she have? She had to do this for herself, to prove to herself that she was strong and could handle anything life chose to throw at her.

A gentle knocking on her bathroom door broke her from her thoughts and further wallowing in self pity; so she splashed cold water onto her face and blotted it with a towel before opening the door.

"Oh babe!" Krista said sympathetically as she threw her arms around Ivy. A gentle rocking helped sooth both girls as they clung to each other, Krista sniffling a bit alerted Ivy that her friend was hurting as much as she was.

"This is not goodbye Ivy. Remember our pact? That we would never say goodbye, but see you later?" Krista held her friend's hands as she spoke.

Ivy nodded, still not being able to articulate her feelings, so Krista continued. "Who knows maybe I'll get a job in a good salon near here and we'll be able to see each other all of the time! That would be great wouldn't it?"

"Yes, that would be fantastic" Ivy responded still sniffling. "Come on let's get dressed and go have breakfast at that little café across the street and then I'll take you to the airport" Ivy said.

As Krista returned to her room to ready herself, Ivy's phone buzzed from atop the dresser where it lay. She didn't recognize the number but answered it anyway just in case it was work related.

"Good morning, Ivy Glenn here" answered professionally. "Well good morning to you Ms. Glenn" said the voice she immediately recognized. It was Jensen Woods, her boss.

"Oh, good morning Sir" she replied, her body quivering from the sound of his voice alone.

He closed his eyes and inhaled sharply when she said 'Sir'. "Now, now, Ms. Glenn" he tutted. "What did I tell you last night about formalities?"

Ivy laughed softly, replying "I apologize Jensen, habit of my upbringing I'm afraid. Back home everyone is addressed formally or by Sir or Madam. Please be patient with me."

"Hmm, I think I can find it in my heart to forgive you this time Ivy." Lord help her, his voice was making a mess of her underwear and why in the hell did this man, her boss, make her feel this way?

"Well I do appreciate you going that extra mile for me Jensen" she replied sweetly. "Now how may I assist my boss on this gorgeous Sunday morning?

He chuckled and it sounded divine. "I wasn't sure if HR told you that a car would be at your disposal during work hours, Monday through Friday. I have asked for an exception for today because I know that your friend is leaving and I imagine it may be a bit emotional for you to have to say goodbye."

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