Chapter Nineteen : Perfect places

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Stiles :

I can't believe the only thing theo tells me to do is to get dressed in something nice.

Like i don't wear nice clothes, i really love my red hoodie.

I put on some clothes that made me look good and confident . i wasn't really trying to impress anybody.

Looking in the mirror, and seeing how much I've changed in the past year, made me realize that I've become a new person, physically.

Mentally I'm still that same ol' stiles that has intentions.

I looked around cause I kept hearing a buzzing sound, i stopped staring at myself in the mirror and searched for my phone.

I lifted up my clothes from what i had to choose from, and saw my phone vibrating in the very spot.

The caller I.D read Scott, I wondered why he would call knowing that Theo had whatever this is planned.

I hit the remind me later button and powered the phone off until Theo gets me from here.

I continued to get small things, i would need for this outing.I grabbed some lip balm and my red hoodie just in case.

I heared a car pull up in the driveway, I didn't really expect it to be dad so, immediately i knew it was Theo.

I opened the door and he was walking up the steps, with that cocky looking grin but bad boy vibe that i liked.

"Stiles, you look cute" he said still looking at me up and down.

"Thanks, so do you" i said a little lustful, but i kinda didn't mean.
"Come on" he waved me on over to his car.

I closed the door and locked it and Walked over to the car, he opened the door for me and i got in with no complaints.

"This is going to be fun" I heard him say running around the car to the drivers seat.

He opened the door and got in, he was chuckling a little. "Sorry you probably didn't catch what I said", he blushed.

"I did, and i'm ready for it"

He turned the car on and we drove off to a place I didn't know. I guess you can say perfect places, then again it would be a little weird by who's there.

We pulled up to the place he wanted to take me to, I realized it was a high hill and the view was perfect.

He turned the car off and once we reached the top, and he got out and ran over to my side of the car and opened the door for me.

"I wanted to have a house on the hill and since there was one available I bought one, for you and me"

I wonder why would Theo spend so much money on this knowing anywhere would be okay.

"Thanks but umm would we be exposing werewolves to the world on the hill?"

I had to ask cause i don't think i was correct myself.

"No there's woods and stuff for running and other stuff"

I knew there would be other stuff involved cause this is one of those get bad before good relationships. I just might be wrong but we'll have to see.

We both take the path to the house and the garden looked beautiful, the entire frontal of the foundation was exquisite.

I felt like Theo robbed someone rich cause this could be what he moved me into.

We walked into the house and it was all my favorite color schemes and decorations but a few of Theo's spin in design was in motion too.

We had a armory in the closet in the down stairs bedroom, which i thought was weird.

I was going to look into it later since I'm not really sure what that would benefit him for since it's just us.

While still looking around the house, i couldn't help but wonder what's Scott going to do while I'm here.

"Stiles are you hungry?"


"I packed us lunch I'm going to go get it" he said walking out of the house to the trunk of the car.

He brung it back in, and we sat at the table and ate salad and sandwiches.

He had packed extra meat knowing I liked meat more strongly know, I wasn't back then.

"You like it here so far" he asked taking another bite out of his sandwich.

"Yeah, it's the perfect place" I smiled

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