Chapter Thirteen : New Enemies

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Theo :

I woke up next to stiles laying butt naked next to me, well more like on top of me.

I tried to get out of the bed but he kept squeezing tighter and tighter.

"No, theo don't leave me"

I kissed his head and stayed in bed.

It's werid that i turned him but he didn't shift during the full moon.

He must have found his anchor.

I looked around my room noticing that it was so dull, maybe i should ask stiles to move in.

I can't, and we are not even official yet even though we fuck like rabbits.

Stiles finally let go and rolled over letting me get up and go to the bathroom.

When i came back out stiles wasn't there, i sniffed for his scent but it was covered by the smell of bacon.

How did he move that quick, i just went the bathroom like a minute ago.

Or maybe he was playing when he was hugging me like no tomorrow.

I walked to the kitchen and saw stiles putting bacon and eggs on plates and taking it over to the table.

We both sat down and began to eat, we stared at each other the first few minutes.

"Stiles i lo-"

His phone began to ring interrupting me.


"Stiles get here now" i heared scott say.

"Where are you" stiles jumped up fast rushing to put on clothes, i followed right behind him.

"I'm at the preserve" i heard but it was faint.

"I'm on my way" stiles said and hung up, he turned around and looked at me.

"Stiles it's fine, if you want to go but I'm coming with you no matter what" i told him and grabbed my keys.

We got in my car and started are way to the preserve to meet up with Scott's pack.

Stiles put his hand on top of mines, it felt so good but i needed to focus.

We got there and everyone was outside waiting, we got out and walked up.

"Why is he here" malia said showing her fangs.

"Because i need him here" stiles said looking at me then back at her.

"Well come on, we need to fill you in"

We walked inside and scott started explaining what was happening.

"There's a monster lurking around beacon hills" derek said with gritted teeth.

"I think scott said that already" i said but i was pushed by stiles but he was grinning.

Liam busted out laughing, everyone didnt seem to hear what was said so they looked mad.

"Anyways, this so called Fentom can't be killed with ordinary silver or anything human made"

"so basically, the supernatural is the only thing that can kill this beast" deaton said.

He put the book of supernatural on the table and we all looked at.

"See the fentom isn't always loose but when it does, it looks for partnership...someone whose powerful and the fentom can keep a bond with to drain the person slowly of there powers"
Deaton read the book out loud.

"So how do we find the creature" lydia asked

"Easy it's in front of you" deaton said but continued.."but you need to figure out which one is the real pack member"..

We all looked around and didn't understand.

" i don't understand, who could be the fentom" scott said

"The dread doctors probably had this in stored before they left, that's why they left so easily" i whispered.

How could i be so dumb...

I looked directly at the person who it could be.

How could i be so blind...

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