Even if they both knew that Red wouldn't trust anyone but himself to watch out for her.

"But maybe you shouldn't take Blake back to the house tonight," Henry added. "Everyone knows she's been staying there. Take her to my place instead. It's warded so no one will be able to get in or out without my or Lucy's permission. I'll call Lucy now and have her take Annalise to my parents' place. It's been sitting empty since they went to Germany."

If anything, it would give him a place to think about what the morning would bring without needing to watch his back or listen for intruders at Blake's door.

"Don't worry about food or clothes," Henry added. "Blake should fit into some of Lucy's old things and you can raid my closet. The fridge is fully stocked."

Red pulled his brother in for a hug. "Thank you. For everything. I know that you don't need to do this but—"

"I do. She's your Mate. That makes her family. It's a complicated family, without a doubt, but family nonetheless. We'll figure this out. I promise."

Red had never been more grateful for his family. Not the one he'd been born, but the one he'd found. The one he would fight for, time and time again. His people.

The door to the clinic slid open and Red and Henry turned as Monroe appeared, Blake a half-step behind her.

Red's eyes immediately went to his Mate, a little surprised to see her on her feet so soon. She was wearing Monroe's sweater and her black hair was tangled and knotted yet the blood that had surely dried in it was hidden, though Red could scent its lingering iron tang. The bandage on her head was on full display though the dressings on her shoulder and ribs were obscured. From the way she carried herself – stiff, uncomfortable – it was evident that she was feeling the effects of that wound.

"How are you feeling?" he asked her.

Blake said, "It only hurts when I move or breathe."

"No big deal then." Red tried to lighten his tone, to tease, but he couldn't quite manage it.

"No big deal."

Henry and Monroe offered Red a last parting glance before they turned and went back into the clinic. A phone was pressed to Henry's ear as he chatted with his Mate, informing Lucy of all that had happened and to vacate their house. Red knew that his Luna and goddaughter would be out of there before he and Blake made it to the cabin.

When he glanced back down at his Mate, he saw that she was watching them go. "Are they going to talk to Deacon and Victor?"

"Victor only. Deacon is still unconscious. The wolfsbane will take some time to wear off."

"But he'll be okay?"

"He'll be fine."

Blake's gaze cut to him as she ran a critical eye over him, head to toe and back up again. "And you're fine, right? You seem okay but you and Victor went at it pretty hard."

Red nodded, a little surprised, and pleased, at the concern in her voice. "Mostly healed already. Nothing major." He turned in the direction of Henry's cabin and began walking, Blake barely more than an inch from his side. Her body heat seeped into him. "Why? You worried about me?"

Blake snorted as they ducked into the woods. There were no paths to follow but the trail was as familiar to him as his own hand. "Just worried that I'll lose my bodyguard. That'd be a real pain in the ass."

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