What Wattpad Has To Say Today

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Hi there,

Thank you for your feedback regarding our categories. We are in the process of revamping our category system to make it easier for users to find the content that they are looking for.

That being said there are no current plans to include a new LGBT category or any other categories for that matter. Here at Wattpad we have first hand access to all the data regarding our traffic and what users are searching for. And yes this is all taken into consideration. Please understand that we get users asking for a variety of categories and if we create one then some other users will get upset. Creating a category for everything is also not an option.

Essentially the need that we have identified is that users want to be able to find the content that they are interested in and that is exactly what we are working on doing. While I cannot reveal too much, I can say that the emphasis will be less on categories and more on a robust and accurate tagging feature. The goal is that writers will be better able to describe their content and readers will have an easier time surfacing it.

Again I would like to place emphasis on the fact that we are working at making it easier for users to find the content that they want. Even if that is not in the form of a category.

Thank you again for your feedback.


Well what do you think about that? dont forget to vote each one counts.

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