Chapter 29 | The Friends

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"Ugh, you two, stop making lovey-dovey eyes at each other and let's go find the twins," Alex says irritably, yanking me and Lee by the hands.

Lee drops his bag of chips in the commotion and Glory snatches it up. "Hey!" he shouts. "Those are my chips! You stole them!"

"Yeah? Well that's my best friend," Glory retorts, jabbing her finger at me. "And you just stole her."

"I did not steal her."

Glory ignores him and continues eating the chips as Alex drags us down the hallway, rolling her eyes.

"So," Glory begins through a mouthful of chips. "Are you two boyfriend and girlfriend yet?"

"I don't know? Are you and Troy boyfriend and girlfriend yet?" I reply icily.

"Who needs guys when you have chips?" Glory shrugs, taking another potato chip and eating it.

"I'm telling Troy you said that," I tell her.

"And those chips have my germs all over them, by the way," Lee adds.

"ACK ACK ACK YOU'RE RIGHT AHHHHH I NEED SOAP GET THE SOAP!" she screeches, throwing the chips at Lee. He catches them swiftly and continues eating them.

"To be honest, I just said that so you would give them back," he admits, before tilting the remains of the bag into his mouth.


"I," Alex mutters, "am surrounded by idiots."

The two twins come rushing around the corner. "I heard Glory screaming," Troy tells us. "What happened?"

Alex answers before Glory can. "Well we were going to find those two but then they started making out and then she stole his chips and then threatened to kill him."

"Also she said she likes chips better than you," I add, smirking at her.


"Glory, calm down," I mutter. "Hide the crazy."

Troy shrugs. "If I was her, I would like chips more than me, too," he mutters. "I'm a terrible person."

"Troy, you can't do this now, all of the angst in the story is over and it's just supposed to be happy from now on," Glory scolded him.

"Well there goes the fourth wall," Alex grumbles.

"Anyways," says Lee, finishing the last of this chips and tossing the bag into the trash can, "lets go do something. I want to do something."

Glory smirks. "Hey, Rose, when did you change your name to some—"

"Don't you dare," I warn her.

"Lets go and get ice cream," Tyler suggests. With that, he heads off down the hallway and the rest of us scramble to follow him.

By the time we all catch up to him, he's already having a conversation with the ice cream truck guy. And by conversation, I mean:

"Hey my dude I need six ice creams for me and my idiot friends," Tyler says to the guy, who snorts.

"What kind?" he mutters, as we all run up to stand beside Tyler.

"Troy and I want cookies and cream, Glory wants pistachio, Alex probably wants vanilla, (idk) Lee wants chocolate, and Rose? What do you want?"

I hesitate.

"Chocolate for me, too," I say finally, with a small glance at Lee, who smiles back. I know what we're both thinking about.

After a few seconds, the guy gives us our ice cream and Tyler pays for all of us, it's not much of a surprise considering the Singletons aren't exactly poor.

We sit down at an outside table and start to eat. I look at Glory, disgusted, as she eats her pistachio ice cream.

"You like pistachio ice cream?" I ask her.

"You like Lee. Don't yell at me about my taste in stuff," she retorts, and continues eating.

"Yeah, but I don't like eating—you know, I'm not going to argue, because whatever I say, you're gonna turn it into something dirty."

"That's probably a good idea," Glory remarks.

Lee taps on my shoulder from my other side. "Hey, you should try some of your chocolate ice cream. Tyler paid good money for that."

"Tyler has more money than he knows what to do with," I muttered, but took a bite anyways.


Alex looks at me questioningly. "I thought you told me once that you didn't like chocolate ice cream," she says.

"I... I guess I just changed my mind," I say carefully, taking another bite.

"Hey," Troy says to everyone. "Did you guys finish the T-shirt project? That's due tomorrow, remember?"

"Oh, crap," Glory mutters. "I forgot about that. I should probably go home and work on that." Her smile gets a little smaller as she says, "I didn't really want to go home..."

And then I remember all of the trouble she's been having, with her parents, and the car accident.

"Hey, go and get it," Troy says. "We can work on it here. We'll help you."

"We will?" Alex asks.

Troy just gives her a death glare and Glory smiles weakly. "You guys are the best. Except for you. I'm still getting used to you," she adds, pointing at Lee, who sticks his tongue out.

"Well, you better get used to him fast, because hopefully he's gonna be sticking around for a while," I say.

"Hopefully, Razzledazzle," he agrees.

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ahh only one more chapter left guys

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