Chapter 4 | The Nickname

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"Well... that was interesting," Alex mutters into the phone again. We've picked our Skype call back up after that disaster.

"Interesting is a nice word," Glory mutters. "I would use something like... disturbing."

"How did he even get our Skype handles?" Alex asks.

Glory speaks up. "Handles? What the—"

Alex sighs. "A handle is just another name for username," she mutters.

"That still doesn't explain how Lee got ours," I point out.

Alex nods. "Yes, that part is a mystery."

There's silence on Glory's usually loud and rambunctious end, until finally there's a very guilty-sounding whisper.

"That might have been me," she told us softly.

Alex and I gasp at the same time. "WHAT! Why  would you do that? We freaked out! And so did you!"

"Well, I didn't give them to Lee, I gave them to Tyler. How was I supposed to know that he was going to give them to Lee?" she hisses.

"Why did you give them to Tyler?" I ask.

"Yeah?" adds Alex. "Are you fraternizing with him? You know he has a girlfriend."

Glory makes an exasperated noice in her throat. "I am not fraternizing with Tyler. Have you met him? He's a complete and total piece of shhhhheetrock," she finishes awkwardly. "Troy's always telling me about the stupid things he does."

"Oooh, are you fraternizing with Troooy?" Alex pesters. "You can't have both of them. Which one do you want?"

"I don't want either of them," Glory snaps. "I think they're both nut jobs. And what does this conversation have to do with anything?"

"Ooooh, Glory has a cruuuuuush," Alex drawls.

"No, Glory doesn't," Glory retorts. "And if Alex doesn't shut up soon, Glory is going to stab the shhhnot out of her."

"Shhhnot?" Alex asks.

"Snot. I am going to stab the snot out of you."

"How do you stab the snot out of someone?"

"GUYS!" I shout. "This stupid argument isn't accomplishing anything! Seriously! Glory, why don't we finish your research before we die of old age?"

"Alex isn't going to die of old age. She's going to be stabbed to death," Glory informs us.

"Enough," I shout. "Guys, why do you have to argue with each other so much?"

Apparently, neither one could answer that question, because we sat in silence for a while until Glory spoke again.

"So, this Louis Nicolas Vacuum dude—"

"Vaquelin," Alex immediately corrects her. "He's the guy who discovered chromium. Glory, were you paying attention to anything?"

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