Chapter 12 | The Closet

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I jump back suddenly.

"No, no, it can't be you! I—what—" I stop talking suddenly as I bump into a wall that I hadn't seen. I can hear the Singleton twins snickering in the background.

"Shhh," he whispers. "Razzledazzle, you need to be quiet. You act like you've never played seven minutes in heaven before."

"I haven't."

He slides his hands over my mouth and I gag slightly, pushing him away. "Fine, I'll be quiet," I hiss. I'm still backed up against a wall.

I'm scared. But not too scared.

"Hey," I whisper. "Didn't you promise not to call me Razzledazzle anymore if I came to watch your stupid Truth or Dare game at the party?"

"I was crossing my fingers," he replies breezily.

I can hear more snickers coming from the outside. Clearly we aren't being quiet enough.

"Shhh," I say softly. "Let's just stand in here for seven minutes and try not to think about what we're supposed to be—"

And then suddenly I feel a presence by my side and realize that he's standing





"Lee," I mutter. "I don't know what Troy dared you to do, but now isn't the time."

And then I hear a muffled voice from the outside. It sounds like it belongs to a girl in our class, but I don't know who. And it says:

"Guys, guys! It's time to go! It's already four o'clock! You spent so much time arguing that it's time to go!"

I hear Alex's voice. "But Rose is still trapped in there with Lee! We can't just leave!"

Now I can hear Tyler's voice. "Then why don't you unlock the door, stupid?"

I breathe a sigh of relief—two minutes in and I'm being rescued. I can hear Alex fumbling with the door.

"It's jammed. The lock is stuck!" she cries.


Tyler's voice again. "Maybe you're just weak." I can hear someone considerably stronger wrestling with the doorknob from the other side. "Wow," he mutters. "This really is stuck."

"Can you open it from the inside?" calls Alex.

I stumble over Lee in the dark until my hands find the doorknob, but it won't budge. "No!"

Alex is starting to panic. I can hear everyone leaving the classroom in the background. Now I'm starting to panic.

"Hey!" Tyler shouts suddenly. At this point I'm pretty sure it's only him and Alex left in the classroom. "That storage closet leads to Mr. Gordon's room! Try the other door!"

"Okay!" I shout back, despite the fact that I'm still really mad at him. I guess my panic is driving my anger away.

Lee finds the other door for me and tries it. "Locked," he cries.

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