Chapter 2

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That night Steven and Annabelle were all dressed up and in the car, driving to the house that Evelyn was having her party at.

When they got there they walked up the tall hill and entered the creepy looking home through the large double doors. Evelyn was standing there in a skimpy dress with a smirk on her face. When she saw Annabelle she looked angry and cursed.

"Who's this?" She asked sharply.

Annabelle raised her eyebrows in response to the woman's harsh tone.

Steven swallowed and tried to hide his nervousness, "Evelyn, this is my wife, Annabelle."

Evelyn's eyes flared with anger.

"Who?" She asked through clenched teeth.

Steven stayed silent and fought to keep from looking anxious.

"I'm his wife. Annabelle."

"So you dumped me for this priss?" She scoffed, giving an arrogant laugh.

"Don't talk about my wife that way." Steven scolded sternly.

"Oh so now you care about your wife.  But why weren't you there for me?" She pouted, looking hurt, though Annabelle saw right through her fake expression.

"You didn't love me." Steven said sadly.

"You're right.  I didn't." She said stiffly, then strode over to him and caressed his face, whispering into his ear, "But I want you now..."

Annabelle glared at her, then put two and two together.

"You were married to her!?" She exclaimed.

"Annabelle I-"

"And you didn't tell me?!"

"I didn't know how."

"He didn't want to." Evelyn smirked, "Face it sweetie, he never stopped loving me.  I know it, you know it, and even my Steven knows it."

"He isn't yours." Annabelle said with clenched fists, and a glare that could kill.

"Oh no? Then why hasn't he denied it?"

Annabelle blinked and looked at Steven.

"I don't love her." He assured.

Annabelle didn't look so certain.

"Why did you invite me here, Evelyn?" Steven asked.

She smirked and put her hands on his chest. "So we could do what we've always wanted.  Make love."

Steven turned bright red but did not move away.

A tinge of pain stung Annabelle's heart as she saw the lust and gleam in her husband's eyes, it hurt to see him wanting another woman. She looked down then suddenly looked at them and became angry.

"Well I guess I better go since you two obviously want to be alone." She rolled her eyes and headed for the door.

Steven pulled away from Evelyn and ran to his wife, holding her hand to make her stop walking. "Please Annabelle I lo-"

"If you love me then stop staring at her like that!" She yelped.

Steven cringed.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

"I.. forgive.. you." She managed to say, her merciful spirit giving in once again.

Steven smiled slightly and kissed her forehead.

"Can we go home now St-"

Just then steel plates slid down, blocking all of the windows and doors.

"Leaving so soon?" Evelyn chuckled sinisterly, and walked over to Steven.

"Stay away from him." Annabelle said harshly.

Steven pulled away from Evelyn though his eyes were still on her, her every move beguiling him.

"Steven, I thought you loved me..." Annabelle whispered and looked at her wedding ring, as tiny droplets of water fell from her eyes.

Steven suddenly realized what Evelyn had been doing. She was charming him out of his money that she loved so dearly, and he was losing the woman who would love him even if he was penniless. He wrapped his strong arms around her, and kissed her cheek. "I don't know what I was thinking." He said softly, almost in a whimper.

She hiccupped and held him close. "Promise me you won't do that again. Please." She begged.

"I promise." He whispered and felt tears of his own ready to fall at his mistake. He stroked her hair before pulling away to look at her. He smiled slightly and used his thumb to gently wipe away her tears.

"I love you." Annabelle smiled and hugged him.

"And I love you." He whispered and hugged her tight.

"Well isn't this just darling?" Evelyn laughed, sarcastic as usual.

The couple pulled away slowly, now holding hands.

"Let us out of here Evelyn, you have no more use for me being here. Your plan failed."

She chuckled, "On the contrary, it has just begun.  Sugar puss." She grinned and walked up the stairs to where she would be staying for the night.

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