Chapter 6: Victory Dinner

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  The return to Konoha was shockingly quick, but with Koji sleeping most of the way it really must have only felt like a few hours to him. Lee running at full speed for as much of the time more then likely wasn't the best idea so upon arriving at the gates Koji physical clawed the ground and dragged himself off of Lee. Toshiro couldn't help but laugh at his teammate's uneasy expression as the helped him up, "What Koji was he running to fast for you?" he laughed aloud as he punched Koji's arm.

"Ow!" Koji growled as he rubbed his still hurt arm from the blade, instead of fighting thou he playfully punched his arm back and the two laughed together for the first time in a long time. Riku smiled at this it made her happy to see them getting along together, she gripped her shoulder as well it getting wounded as well but thankfully it was minor just like his.

Team Guy said their goodbyes before heading off, Lee and Guy to train, Tenten was heading home to sharpen some of her dulled down blades, and Neji was returning to the clan compound. Hitomi frown as she spoke, "He left us to report the mission...dammit." she mumbled removing a small notebook from her flak jacket. "Toshiro you are in charge make sure both of them go to the hospital and receive proper care for their wounds I need to get this taken care of." Hitomi didn't wait for an answer as she was suddenly gone leaving her students just inside the gate of the village.

Toshiro had an evil smile as he prodded the two of them forward, "You heard Sensei get going as your de facto leader I will make sure you get to the hospital!" he declared to everyone.

Koji and Riku gave him strange looks before looking towards each other both just confused by his reaction, "Toshiro? Are you okay?" Riku asked as they all began to walk.


Hitomi stood before the Hokage in his office, she had just set down the journal that detailed all the events she was there for. "We completed our portion of the mission, just as you thought and the intel stated Tadashi indeed attack seeking to try and provoke a war between us and the Land of Lightening. From what I could gather he was aiming specifically for Riku Sarutobi, he must have know who she was and that she was going to be on this mission."

The Third turned for a second and looked out the window something was off about this and he had a feeling Konoha itself was involved, "What else do you have to report?" he spoke calmly despite that deep down he was furious knowing Danzo must have had a hand in this it wasn't unlike him to give out harmful information to under mind him or even provoke him into a war.

"Tadashi managed to split Guy and myself apart, using what I would guess is a more power version of the Hidden Mist jutsu we were in an illusion where we show each other as him. I wasn't their for the kids but from what we could get out of them he controlled four people or puppets...or something else we were not able to get details or examine them, the Raikage and his adopted brother came to save them. After a brief exchange we parted ways...we didn't get the chance to confirm if Tadashi was truly killed but I trust Bee sir and if anyone was equip to take him out it was those two. As for injuries Riku received a minor wound to her shoulder as well as Koji, he was trying to protect her but the blade still reached her. All other injuries were not important enough to report on." Hitomi listed off everything in her journal for the Hokage before she closed it.

"I see well...."

"I...have one last thing Lord Third, Koji Uchiha awakened his Sharigan, from what I was told it happened while he was protecting Riku." Hitomi closed the journal before handing a copy of her page in a standard report form.

"Thank you Hitomi, you are dismissed." Hiruzen spoke in a tired manner as he rubbed his temple a stress headache bothering him.

Hitomi bowed before she left the room, the window outside of his office opened. "Lord Third what are your orders?" a masked ANBU asked on his knee with his head lowered.

"You will inform Danzo to come here at once." He ordered.

Without a question the ANBU left knowing his mission.


Storm clouds had gathered over the the village, the three members of Team Nine had just left the hospital with Riku laughing as she looked into the sky her mood change. "Well this sucks, I heard that new outdoor noodle place opened finally." she grumbled.

Toshiro produced yet another rose, "Fair lady no worries, we shall find another place for us to eat...and by us I mean Koji will, get moving dog." Toshiro clapped his hands together.

Koji rolled his eyes and flashed a smile, "Alright I will find us a place to eat as a team since prince pretty asked so nicely." he made sure his tone on the second half of his sentence was as sarcastic as possible. As he started to walk he stopped, an older man was walking down the street towards the team, Koji had a smile and bow. The older man looked like he had seen his fair share in his life time, bandages covered part of his head, his arm tucked away, and a cane echoed with each few steps. "Danzo!"

Riku and Toshiro looked confused.

"Ah Koji, I heard a rumor you had returned home from a mission. Sorry I can't stay I have business to deal with." The old man didn't even offer a smile as he quickly made his way down the road.

Riku popped up first behind Koji, "Danzo, how do you know him?" she asked.

Toshiro rubbed his chin before joining the other two, "Who was that?"

Riku looked shocked, "That was Danzo Shimura he is one of the village elders?! Did you not pay attention!" She racked Toshiro over the head. "Plus he was on my Grandfather's Genin team when they were kids."

Koji cleared his throat, "He is close with my guardians so once in awhile he talks with them." he answered Riku's question to him.

"Lookie what we found here." Asuma stated as he and his team came to a stop.

Riku's smile was back, "Hey Uncle Asuma, what are you and your team doing here?"

"Well we are..." Shikamaru lazily spoke with his hands behind his head until he was interrupt by the larger boy who was eating chips

"We are on are way to Yakinku Q!" Choji declared once he finished his bag of chips.

"Well knowing that the fa...." Toshiro was cut off by his cousin slapping her hand over his lips.

She began to growl in a whisper, "We have one rule we don't use the f.a.t. word."

"I'm sure what Toshiro meant was that since all of you are coming they are serving their best meats." Koji came in and placed his arm around Toshiro attempting to help him out.

As if on cue Hitomi had arrived walking up to both groups she smiled as she embraced the two boys, "Well who would have thunk it, we are also heading to Yakinku Q as well, I know these two poor souls need some more time out with their friends." she spoke in a tone that seemed like she was teasing but she was being honest about it, she wanted her students to expand their bonds.

Asuma smiled as she scratched his chin, "I think that is a wonderful idea it would serve everyone well."

The two Senseis agreed as they lead their teams to Yakinku Q, the eight of them were seated around a larger booth then normal on the back side of the table was Ino, Koji, and Choji. On the frontside was Riku, Shikamaru, and Toshiro, both Asuma and Hitomi sat at the ends of the tables. The dinner started off slowly the raw salted beef tongue had just been spread out over the grill. Hitomi broke the silence as she looked at each member of Asuma's team. "So from what I heard you four tend to come here a lot."

"Yeah, we come here everytime we complete a mission." Choji smiled his eyes focused on the beef.

Across the table Riku was also focusing all her attention on the food, the duo locked eyes for a second a glint in them neither one wanting the other to beat them to the first bite, Toshiro smiled as he looked over at his cousin, "My moneys on Riku, when it comes to beef no one will stop her."

Ino smirked, "Really? Because I know for a fact that Choji will destroy her."

Koji and Shikamaru stared at each other not sure how to take this situation, Shikamaru just shrugged but Koji choose to get in on the fun. "No way Ino, Riku is the champ." he laughed.

As the time pass the laughter and chatting never stopped, Koji and Ino spent a bunch of time talking since the two normally wouldn't have. Shikamaru was complaining about how this was getting to be a drag and Toshiro was right there with him. Finally there was Choji and Riku, it had come down to the final piece of beef neither one of them willing to give in and let the other have it. Chop sticks each pulling towards their owners. "Enough!" Toshiro shouted he was done with this game, it was funny at first but now it had gone on to far as he took a kunai and cut the meat in two. The two shot Toshiro a glare before smiling at each other.

"Next time Choji we find out who really is the best." Riku laughed softly to herself.

Choji nodded, "Don't expect me to hold back."

After paying the Teams said their goodbyes most of them heading off in different directions, Hitomi waited until they were gone before she spoke to Asuma. "The Chunin Exams are coming soon...have you put any thought of entering your team?"

"I won't lie I have thought about it, I think it could be good for them...I mean there are risks involved but I think they could hand it as long as they work together. Have you thought about entering yours?" Asuma asked.

"Maybe, I do wonder if the Third would accept having his Granddaughter in the exams this early."

"You never know with the old man." Asuma lit up a cigarette.

Hitomi rubbed her chin now as she began to think on if she would volunteer her team, the pair said goodbye each other before heading out toward their home.


Koji was humming a song to himself but stopped and ducked down once he heard and saw a the tip of a kunai broke through the fence to his left, his Sharingan activated almost on instinct as he leap over a kunai in his hand ready for the one who throw the blade. Once over he was staring at the pink hair kunoichi Sakura, the two were not expecting to see each other as Koji's eyes reverted back to his normal onyx color. "Ummm....hi." he said trying to break the awkward silence between them. "You umm training?"

Sakura nodded, "After our last mission...I have to get better." she spoke softly but there was confidence in her words.

Koji climbed down from the fence, "Did something happen?"

"I was useless...I've never felt more useless in my life. I stood there and watched as Sasuke and Naruto both risked their lives to protect Tazuna and I just stood there...I stood on the sidelines and did nothing but cry...but not again, I will not be know as a useless Kunoichi who just stands by and lets others protect her, I will be at their side fighting." Sakura announced choosing to change herself.

"Well why are you training alone then? Shouldn't you be training with those two so you can work and grow together?"

"We were doing that earlier but to get up to them I need to keep pushing myself even after we finish training together." she nodded.

Koji scratched his head and then his Sharingan was in his eyes again as he spun the kunai once, "Well then, I may not be either of them but I can help you train once in awhile Sakura."

She smiled at the thought and had another kunai in hand, "Don't expect me to hold back against you."


"Please Ino you know that Sasuke doesn't like anyone, you really think you have a chance at a relationship with him?" Toshiro laughed aloud at his cousin as the pair walked towards their homes together.

"I have a better chance then you do with any girl in the village they all know about you and your flower crap!" She shouted at him but the two stopped as they were looking at two Suna ninja one male and the other female they looked to be lost, Toshiro didn't waste a heart beat as he rushed forward. In his hand a white rose which was weird for him normally he just gave out red roses.

"A desert beauty deserves a beautiful flower, you seem to be lost can I be of any help?" Toshiro smirked staring into the the eyes of the blonde women.

The girl was annoyed by this as she dropped the rose and crushed it, "Let me guess you do this for any girl who looks your way, I don't have time to waste on a weakling like you."

"Come on Temari, Gaara is waiting we shouldn't keep him waiting." the mostly covered guy next to her stated.

"Let's go then Kankuro." Temari answered as her and Kankuro began to walk away.

Toshiro simple smiled as he noticed Temari looked back at him a look of disdain as she looked at him, Ino walked up to her cousin rubbing her head. "You have to make everything difficult don't you."

"She is perfect." Toshiro stated.

Ino looked at him confused, "How?"

"She was honest about how she felt she didn't hide or lie, she truly is a desert rose a rare person who tells it like it is." Toshiro had a smile on his face the rest of the way home wondering what this Temari girl was like and what he could do to show her who he really was.


Riku was waving she had just passed Ramen Ichiraku and Naruto was heading towards the place, "Hey Naruto." For the first time in a long time she was about to break a rule that her father forced down her since she was a kid and that was to stay away from Naruto.

"Riku? What's up?" he asked a little confused by this as well.

Riku was embarrassed about it but she bowed her head, "Naruto I came to say I'm sorry, over the years I know I've never been a good friend to you. But seeing you with my younger cousin...I can see that you are a good guy and I want to forget what others have told me. I want to be your friend if you are okay with that."

Naruto had his normal big dumb smile as he scratched his head, "Hey we are friends and don't worry about Konohamaru I will make sure to teach him a lot. Would you like to join me for some ramen?"

"Next time, I just ate at Yakinku Q with my team and my uncle's team." Riku frowned a little.

"Don't worry about it." he gave Riku a thumbs up, "Next time we will enjoy ramen together."

Riku cheered up and give Naruto a thumbs up as well. "I will look forward to it."  

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