1.How It All Began

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Alka didn't play with barbie dolls when she was a kid; she played football ever since she was 6. She had always loved playing football. She was a girl with a highly competitive spirit and always had a genuine grin of satisfaction on her face.

All her classmates complimented her that she played amazing football and could become a football player one day. She had started to believe that too. She then started to dream big about becoming a footballer and the urge of becoming one set her on her goal.

She practiced from dawn to dusk, as if there was no tomorrow. She knew that she would make herself proud one day. But Alka could never gather enough courage to go and tell her parents about the big goal that she had set.

Slowly, as time flew by, Alka grew into a teenager. It was her birthday and she knew that this day was very special for her, not because it was her birthday, but because she could gather enough courage to go and tell her parents about her goal of becoming a football player. She was pretty excited.

She went to the hall where her family was discussing about their next trip to Goa. They were in a very happy mood which made Alka really nervous, her tummy started hurting and all the words that she had dreamt of saying started to fall apart. She was afraid that they would not react the way she expected them to. She nevertheless decided to go for it anyway. She let all her feelings flow out like a brimming river.

"Hey dad, I want to talk to you!", said Alka.

"Yeah?", replied her dad quizzically.

"All I want to say is that I LOVE FOOTBALL! And I want to become a footballer!!", said Alka excitedly.

Her dad froze.

To Alka, it seemed like the whole world had stopped for a moment. And even before she could utter something, her dad yelled out in anger, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR SENSES?! Before you say anything else, I want to make it clear that this goal is not meant for you so just come out of your dreamworld and take a look at the reality Alka!"

She was shattered. She felt like her heart had been ripped out.

According to her parents, all that Alka should do when she grew up was to become a doctor or an engineer.

Days passed and their behaviour towards Alka had changed ever since that day when Alka not only lost her freedom but was also silenced from choosing her own passion. Now every time Alka went to her dad with a big grin and shared her joy, he just ignored her. And whenever the topic of Alka's career came up, her dad gave her a cold dead stare as if Alka was no longer the same she had been before. She hated that because she felt bare, innocent and vulnerable.

She didn't believe in monsters, but now she did! Things became different. Alka's parents started behaving as if Alka was no longer a part of their life. And all of this for what? Because Alka spoke out her feelings? Because Alka had different dreams?
Everybody says that we live in a democratic country where everybody has the right to express their feelings and express their opinions in front without any fear, but sadly it only remains on a piece of paper. Where were Alka's rights?

Now every time someone asked her about her worst fear, she didn't say ghosts or monsters, she muttered to herself, "my family."

She continued to play football at school without her parents' knowledge. She won many medals for her school and was selected as the captain for her school football team. She was immensely happy but like the sun doesn't stay out forever, so did her happiness. It was soon about to get dark.

One fine day, Alka's dad received a call saying that, "Alka is to play a very important football match this Saturday. Please bring her on time at the venue."

Alka's dad spoke in astonishment, "Okay, fine. Can I just meet you, if you don't mind?"

"Yes sure Sir.", said the coach. He hung up.

Alka's dad met the coach and shed light on the fact that Alka could not come for the match. "She has to focus more on her studies and not on football.", he said.

"I understand that but sir Alka is a very brilliant student and is really loyal to her sport. If you can give her a chance, maybe she can prove herself. She has also won many medals for the school. Please sir, don't refuse.", said the coach optimistically.

"I'm sorry, I've had enough of this. She won't be coming, please excuse me.", concluded Alka's dad and left the room with a storm.

Her dad went home and slapped Alka right across her face which was followed by a tragic scene.

"Where is the football and your studs, Alka?", demanded her dad infuriatedly.

"Ah..umm...but..ah...", said Alka chokingly as if words within her were lost forever.

"I asked where are your studs?!", asked her dad again.

"They..um...they're there.", disclosed Alka.

Her dad then took the football and her studs and threw it into the trashcan right in front of her eyes. She couldn't believe what she just saw. He warned her to stay away from football or he would have to become harsh towards her.

She ran into her room, shutting the door with anger, and burst into tears.

Only she knew how it felt to be torn apart. Only she knew how difficult it was to get her hopes high, to watch them shatter down into a millions of pieces and to gather all those pieces only to see them break into a million more all over again. 'Only she knew!'

She cried herself to sleep. To her, it felt like this was the end of her dream, end of her dreamworld.


*That's it for this chapter! I hope you liked it and if you did, please leave a vote and a comment! Thank you.*

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