Chapter 15 - Not Such A Bad Thing

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"What's in the bag anyway?" I asked Damien. Things have cooled down and the freezing evening air was giving us quite the chill. "Except for your first aid kit..."

When Damien went and sorted out stuff with the person he was talking to, he opened his backpack at once and pulled out a first aid kit. At first I didn't know how to react because let's face it, who brings first aid kits in their bags when they go everywhere?

While he was swabbing my wound, I tried the best that I can to not break into a fit of giggles and untimely moans of pain. It was just so ironic that this was happening.

I looked at him teasingly. When I proposed the idea of the first aid kit being weird to carry around everywhere, he suddenly got defensive and started telling me that it was necessary to have these kinds of things around - which I responded by laughing loudly, by the way.

"My baby."  It took him awhile to respond so when he did, I was a little surprised by the sound of his voice.

Oh great, he even invited his girlfriend.

I thought he was portraying to his girlfriend from a distance so I looked around. "Where?"

"In my bag."

"Your baby?"



"My baby."

"Is where?"

"In my... bag?"

"Your girlfriend is in your bag?!"

"Yeah I mean-wait what girlfriend?"

Why the hell would he bag his girlfriend up? I started assessing the facts at hand and briskly realized that there was maybe more to this story. I can almost imagine it: High School Golden Boy Shoves Girlfriend Inside Bag

I shook my head. "Weren't you referring to her as baby?"

"Her?" He rubbed the back of his neck. "I don't think telescopes could be girls."

He looked up at me and smiled that smile.

That smile. The smile that seemed to make the girls in our school emotionally frustrated. That sweet smile that gets the girls bananas. I felt my tummy tingle with a feeling I could not determine.

"Telescope?"  The words come out as a shock, but my face was a clear giveaway, so it didn't really help.

"Yeah," He tried so hard not to laugh, probably concluding right at that very moment that I was extremely gullible. "What were you thinking of?"

"Oh, nothing." I smiled sheepishly. This is definitely not my day.

"You can tell me, y'know."

"Oh, well I thought you had a girlfriend."

"And that seems shocking to you?" He clutched his chest dramatically. "Ouch. Do you think I'm not attractive enough to have a girlfriend?"

"Oh, no you're very attractive, but I was just saying-"

"Wait, so you think I'm attractive?" He looked at me suggestively. I looked away to hide my face. What does he expect me to say? That he's not attractive? If I were to say that, I would not be only lying to him but also to myself.

"Shh, don't flatter yourself. I think you and I both know you're clearly attractive." I said, trying to sound like I didn't feel like disintegrating right then and there.

"Oh. Okay." Winston started rolling around again and Damien started rubbing Winston's belly which resulted to the dog barking in pure delight. I was picking on my fingernails, trying so hard to make it seem like I was preoccupied. "A telescope, huh? Any chances of you being the next Galileo?"

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