Chapter 9 - Lift, Tilt, Scoop, Replenish

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So, here is an update! :)

I was having second thoughts but a cool circle of peeps commented on my last chapter saying that I should continue it so... I re-read it, and I've had a swirl of ideas in my head! And if you haven't seen the new updates in 'A Sticky Note For You' , then check 'em out.

Happy Reading! :) 

And PS; If you love the color yellow, no offense meant, alright?! 


Comments and votes are very much welcomed too, ya know. 


 “Lift,” Heh. What about a big no?

 “Tilt,” Those clumps do not look appealing.

“Remove from edges,” From the edges?

 “Scoop,” Oh look, my favourite part.

“And replenish…you got all that?” He looked up at me.

Trust me, I’m trying not to get all that.

It was surprising. How he was with animals and cat litter, I mean. If scooping waste from a box was a job with a big profit, he would make millions of dollars. I bet on the River Styx for it.

I was scared for him when he entered the pen because the Siamese cat greeted him with what it greeted me– a low hiss.

But as I was preparing to see a never ending battle enfolding right in front of my very eyes, he looked at the cat with such passion and love that the hiss slowly disappeared and I don’t know if this was my imagination or what, but the cat’s eyes actually went smitten.

He petted it and the cat purred like his touch was the greatest feeling in the world.  And then I let him do his magic – which is scooping you-know-what’s.

He acted very professional back there, so I have got to give him props for that.

I nodded uncertainly, still trying to recall the steps. “Yeah, it’s soaking in.”

 He stood up from his kneeling position, and I saw that the cat suddenly walked in between his legs like they were the best of friends.  “Thank you so much.”

“No problem,” He stated. He kneeled down for the last time, looked the cat in the eye with the same love and passion a while ago, patted it a number of times, and stood up again.

 The cat surprisingly walked away from him and started drinking from its water bowl, which gave Damien an opportunity to leave the pen. When he was finally outside, he looked at me and smiled with content. “Glad I helped someone in need.”

He then walked to his assigned pen, disappearing in the shadows.

I looked at the image he left behind with pure amazement. How can he be so nice and so cool at the same time? It cannot be humanely possible. I refuse to believe it is.

..Woah, Woah, Woah... get a hold of yourself, Allison. Remember the Damien Trap. Remember how he made one of the sweetest girls you ever know cry their hearts out to their friends.

But what’s so wrong with admiring someone for their kindness? Isn’t that normal for anyone?

I shook myself when I was sure I wasn’t in Damien’s peripheral vision any longer, and took a deep breath.

Let’s do this.


Yellow is such an ugly color.

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