Ch.7 A New Day

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             OKAY LOOK! if you are under the age of 10 dont read this unless you are a mature 10year old the i approve. but dont be like 'eww thats so gross!' THANK YOU FOR THE 200 READS! love ya'll xxx


Violet was on the other line. She was my best friend since 4th grade.   She was absolutely gorgeous. She had blond hair that was just over her shoulders. She had the prettiest blue eyes I have ever seen … besides Niall. He had really blue eyes. Violet was just over 5 foot and was petite.  She was of the only people I told about my trip to Europe and the only one that knew at school that Louis was my cousin.   She has the biggest crush on Zayn. I mean we are both pretty obsessed. We like to say ‘dedicated’ but that’s an understatement.

I try to calm her down. ‘Violet im okay, I just forgot to call. We went to Nandos and I just got to Louis’s place.’

‘YOU WENT TO NANDOS?!’  [[[where I live America there is no Nandos]]] she screamed. 

Bye bye ear drum.

Liam started to burst into hysterics. I guess he could hear her freaking out about me not calling.

‘whos on the phone?’ with his hand on his head from us head butting.

‘Violet’ I mouthed.

He looked confused but smiled. He motioned his hand to hand him the phone. I follow his orders and give him the phone.

‘Hello, Violet?’ he asked with a smirk on his face.

‘oh well hello, Im here to say that Emily is extremely sorry for not calling. Its our fault. We were talking about hanging out …’

Thank you Daddy Direction!

He talks to Violet for 2 more mins. Then hand it over to me.

‘your welcome’ he said going down the stairs.

~~~~I talk on the phone with Violet for about 15 mins then end the conversation remembering I have to unpack still. ‘Byee Babe’ I said before ending the call. ~~~~

I haul all my stuff up to Harry’s room. He was letting me sleep in there because hes a nice guy and im pretty sure Louis forced him too.

I throw my body onto Harry’s bed from the jetlag. 5 hours is a lot in time change.  I lay there for 5 mins just taking everything in.  Then I remember my plane ticket. Seat ‘1D’.  ugh, im to tired to tell him that now. I finally get up using all the musicals I never thought were there to get my last butt off Harry’s extremely comfy bed. I noticed Harry emptied a drawer for me to put my clothes in.  I open my suit case and try and fit as much clothes into the drawer as possible. No luck. Still half of my wardrobe was left. I groan. Close the drawer, close my suit case and flop on the couch. Yes Harry Styles has a couch in his room. The place itself was huge. His room was a beige color and a very not so teen age boy smell to it. Very classy.

  I look at my phone. Oh wait, its like $464335657543(just means a lot of money) to send a text or call anyone.  I through it on the bed wanting to take back the long phone called I had with Violet.  I slug my body to the bathroom to wash off my make up and put on some pajamas.  I was wearing a white tank top with short tie dyed sofies.  The shorts were originally white but Violet and I decided to tie dye them.  I throw my hair into a bun.  ‘time for bed’ I told myself looking in the mirror. I shrug my shoulders down thinking how fat I had gotten from all the studio time my mom took away from me. I walk out the bathroom not wanting to look at myself anymore. I move my phone out the way and crawl under Harry’s sheets.  God, his sheets smelt amazing.  I finally fall asleep, hard.

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