Chapter 4

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After the song ends, Louis walks off the stage and goes behind the curtain. All I can think is, "Thank God that's over." But the hardest part is still coming. I, of course, stay onstage with Ceasar, the announcer for the Games. Normally, the male tribute goes first. But in this situation, since I was picked for the spot of male tribute and not volunteer for female tribute, I go first.

First, Ceasar asks me how I plan on training for the Games. I tell him that I'll do everything that I can. Even though my strongest point is my archery skills, I think I'll hide that fact so that everybody will think I'm weak. But in the end I'll come out strong. It works for a lot of tributes in the long run. Like four years ago, the winner of that year went in quiet, reserved, and looking very weak. But by the end of the match, she won by ripping the last person's throat out with her bare hands. I like the way she works.

Also, Ceaser asks me if I had anyone special back at home.

"No, not that I know of anyway." I say giving him a wink.

"I see. How do you expect to win these Games?" He asks me. Not that it matters anyway, the only tribute that's allowed to watch my interview is Louis and he is no threat to me.

"I'm not exactly sure," I lie, "All that I've planned on is maybe grabbing a small thing from the Cornucopia and then getting my ass out of there." The Cornucopia is a giant 20 foot high cone that holds all the basic supplies for survival in the Hunger Games. It holds food, water containers, weapons, and even some obscure things like plastic wrap. In all my years of watching the Hunger Games, I have learned that if you stay at the Cornucopia on the first day long enough, you will die. You're really at risk going there at the beginning because everyone going straight there to get what they want and doing anything to get it. Last year, I saw someone so desperate to get what he wanted that they ripped whoever got in their way's throat out with their razor sharp, genetically engineered teeth. These kids really like to rip other kid's throats out. I like the way these kids operate. I would kill, but I wouldn't bite somebody's throat out for something that I wanted. Well, I guess maybe I'd pull out a few intestines, but that's as far as I'll go. District 23 never really has winners because nobody from there are natural born killers. Except Simon. But rumors have went around saying that both his parents were from District 16, so he carries the fighting gene. District 16 is the fighting district. Most of Deadland's peacekeepers and TV mixed martial arts fighters come from there. District 16 is also one of the cruelest districts in Deadland. It comes just under Kim Kardashian's house in the top ten.

The buzzer goes off that indicates that my time is up. I stand up, flatten out my clothes, and walk off the stage as Louis walks on. He gives me a high five as we walk past each other.

"Good luck." I whisper into his ear as he walks by. As he sits down, I make my way to the seat that Louis was just in, just off the stage.

When I sit down, Ceasar gets straight to the questions with Louis. A little enthusiastic, aren't we Ceasar?

"So Louis, What are you planning to do to win?" He asks.

"Well, first, I plan on finding a reliable water source to drink from, second, I will hide in a cave if I can find one or climb up a tree. Also, after the initial bloodbath from the first day, I will pick over what I can from the Cornucopia." He answers confidently. Damn. This guy has all of his strategies planned out. Oh and what do I have? Act weak. Find bow and arrows. Shoot people. Run. Blow people's minds. Wow, that makes me sound stupid.

"Any strengths?" Ceasar asks.

"That is the one thing I have yet to figure out. I do work at the music store in my District where I carry heavy instruments in and out of the shop. But other than strength, I don't know." He answers honestly. Wow, Mr. Prep doesn't know what his strengths are. I guess there's a first for everything. But what Louis answers to Ceasar's next question surprises me the most.

"What about you, Louis, do you have any special girl at home?"

"Well actually that reminds me. Eleanor Calder, if you're watching this, which I know you are, it's over." He says, "I'm done saving your ass."

"Oh. Well, Erm- I'm sorry then. Is there anyone else?" Ceasar asks.

"Actually, yes." Louis says in a very mellow tone.

"Really?! Can you tell us who she is?!" Ceasar asks excitedly.

"Well, actually, I kind of came here with him." He says nonchalantly.

"HIM?!" The whole audience along gasps along with Ceasar.

"Yes. Harry Styles." He says.

As I peek out from the curtain, I see almost everyone in the audience hading over a twenty dollar bill to the person next to them.

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