Chapter 3

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Once I get off the train, me and Louis are baffled by the humongous building in front of us. Caroline excorts us through the front doors to our room. Each district has a whole floor to itself, and seeing as how me and Louis are from the last district, we have the top floor. I've never been in an elevator before, except for when I ride the elevator every day to my classes at school. When I walk into my room, three strange looking people stand in my room, apparently waiting for something.

"Hello, but, who exactly are you?" I ask curiously.

"I'm Venia." The one standing in the middle says as she steps forward. She has a bright green wig on and her body was lined in silver and gold tattoos, and her eyes have a shade of eyeliner on that practically screams, "I'm a whore!"

"I'm Flavius." The male says. His bright pink curls stand out the most on this one. He also wears some of the most womanly men's clothes I've ever seen. Ever. And I've been to a Lady Gaga concert.

"And I'm Octavia." The last one says. This one is what we would consider chubby in District 23. Her skin was a pale shade of evergreen and her hair was also green.

"We're here to get you ready for your interviews!" They all say simultaneously.

First they make me shower. I've never really had a shower before in District 23. All we've had back home were large, lukewarm buckets of water and soap. As soon as I was finished showering, my prep team had rubbed me down with some weird smelling scrub and then made me get into another bath filled with another weird smelling solution. After that, they left me to Zayn, my head stylist. Zayn is supposed to be designing me and Louis's clothes for the interviews tonight.

Our clothes are supposed to be representing what our district does, so half the time our tributes end up going out there dressed up as music notes or something stupid like that.

"I'd like to stray away from the normal, if that's okay with you." He asks me. I smile and nod a little too enthusiastically. Finally, something not completely stupid. Zayn has the great idea for the concept of International popstars. Me and Louis will be dressed as that tonight. Now all that's left is hair, make-up, and we're all set.

For my hair, he fixes it so that almost all of my curls are on one side. For make-up, he puts on a thin coat of some sort of powder so I don't look as white as I normally do. He also just puts on the slightest hint of eye liner on me. He gets the outfid ready in almost no time flat and it looks no doubt fantistic. He has us wearing red and white varsity hackets and skinny jeans with red Converse sneakers. This may be the simplest of all the outfits, but it will by far look the best.

When we're done with clothes and makeup, we walk out of my room to find Louis, He and some lady who looks like she's from the Capitol. Louis's already dressed in the same outfit as me. I guess Zayn did have some help after all. Zayn quickly introduces her as Portia as we walk down to the interview stage. The interviews are held on the first floor. As we get in the elevator, Zayn introduces the idea of me and Louis performing together the song "Everything About You" because he knows that its the most played song in District 23.

"I mean, you are in boyband outfits right? And plus, I already told the people who run these things that you'd do it." Zayn says.

"But we can't! We haven't had any practice!" I say on behalf of us.

"Cool your shit Harry, You guys go on last and there are at least 44 interviews that last five minutes before you. You can practice while you're waiting." Zayn says very coolly. "I mean, I can go out there with you if you want. I am from District 23 by the way."

"Well okay.... I guess that might help." Louis says very hesitantly.

"Great. I'll see you on stage." Zayn says as the elevator stops and he pushes us out.

We practice for a long time until we sound perfect and before we know it, our names are being called. We walk out onstage and are joined by Zayn who was already onstage. I whisper in his ear, "I get verse 1, Louis gets verse 2, You get the bridge, and we all get the choruses."

I look out into the crowd and all I can think is,

"I'm actually doing this aren't I?"

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