A King and a Dweller - 11

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Adwin Bigge and Draven Whitmore sat on opposite ends, consuming portions of royal supper scattered among the long, rectangular table. On their trays were fruits such as apples and grapes, combined with a large supply of meat, fish, eggs, and brown bread. One of the meats were seared steak which was kissed by an open flame and tasted mouthwateringly juicy. They both savored each taste of it unknowingly as the fresh aroma of meats dispersed among the air. Afterward, a fresh butterscotch pie was given as a form of dessert to the two. Adwin thought of his mother while savoring the butterscotch pie, remembering how she'd cook during childhood.

During the entire meal, both remained silent until they finished. They wiped their mouth of breadcrumbs and soon looked at each other, one exchanging looks of frustration while the other remained calm. Flames illuminated the dining table as darkness surrounded the room. Draven tapped his foot on the floor, patiently observing Adwin who was thinking of how disappointed everyone must've been. How frustrated they were in him.

"You are a strange one," Draven started speaking as he broke the silence, "always seeking revenge upon me for countless reasons, thinking of how you'd like to slaughter me in the most painful ways possible. Yet, when the opportunity arrives, you cannot end me. If I were in your position, I would've-"

"Well, I'm not you," Adwin calmly responded.

"When this is all over," Draven moving on to a new topic, "what exactly will you do? Your desire would be fulfilled once I'm gone, and there will barely be any family to spend time with. You may become family with your friends at Skyron, but there will be a void left inside you...that something feels empty."

Adwin kept himself quiet, repeating the words inside his head. The feeling of emptiness drenched his thoughts for many years. He never truly knew what it was like to have a father there for him.

"You know," Whitmore continued speaking, "I've never truly understood why anyone hasn't tried taking my power away from me. Perhaps they're in different Opeo realms in the world of Opeo, considering there are only so few people with such an ability. These few people might be at different levels of their expertise with using the ability. Perhaps that's why."

Adwin thought of how he cannot use his Opeo Ability even after practicing during those days years ago.

"I will let you go," Whitmore said, changing to a new discussion. "I want you to clash with me, head-to-head. Not with the girl helping you. I just want a duel between two blades...to see which one will overpower the other. I can let you prepare as what I wanted in this realm alone...has been fulfilled. I can wait for a few more months if not days, as I have been waiting for decades."

"Go," Whitmore said.

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