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Harry P.O.V

Right now I'm currently in the headmasters office in one of his arm chairs. I have my knees drawn up to my chest and a cup of tea in my hands but I dare not drink it. I have a frightened look on my face. Dumbledore believes it's from the nightmare I had but in reality, it's from begin alone with him in his office. I just really want my mate to show up. He just firecalled him not to long ago.

"You want a lemon drop Harry?" I hear him ask me. I shake my head no. Merlin knows what's in those cursed things. I watch him pop three into his mouth. The fire roars to life and Sev steps out. He sees me and walks over to my chair in front of the headmasters desk. I think he can sense how scared I am for he moves his hand to my back were the headmaster can't see. He then begins to move his thumb up and down in a comforting motion.

"You called." He says to Albus

"Yes. It seems Harry's nightmares have gotten worse. By what he had told me I believe they are visions." Dumbledore begins to pace back and forth behind his desk.

"And the point of me being here is?" He questions annoyed.

"I want you to teach him occlumency Severus."

"Albus, are you positive? And what if they are just nightmares?" He says slightly angry.

"Harry, tell him your dream." Albus says to me. I look at Severus and he gives me the tinyest nod that only I caught.

"W-well, I was in a room. And I was tied down to a table or a bed I don't know which. T-then a door opened, I don't know where it led to. That's when V-Voldemort entered. He walked over to a table. I couldn't see what was on it, but he lifted up a knife. It was glowing green. He came towards me, but I couldn't move. Slowly he dragged that knife all over my body. These cuts they... they burned. I could see the smoke rise up from them. I screamed in pure terror and pain. It hurt so bad. When he was done with he knife, he went back over to the table and got this liquid. He put it on my cuts and it caused them to swell up badly as if infected. Then he turned to my hands. My hands were hanging off the bed sligtly. This he didn't use magic for. Instead with the shear power of his hands he pressed down on my fingers till they ripped off. That's when I woke up screaming." I say while I look at the floor.

"I believe this is a vision of what can happen to him. Severus, I need you to teach him occulumemcy, please." Dumbledore pleads with him.

"Fine. When would you like me to start?" Severus says as he crosses his arms over his chest.

"Now." Dumbledore tells him with no hesitation. I stare at him but all Severus does is nod his head and takes my arm. He lead me to the fire place and floos us down to his office. He then instantly brings he into a hug. I wrap my arms and tail around his and nuzzel my head in the crook of his neck.

"Is there somewhere were we can go where he won't hear us?" I whisper in his ear.

"My quarters." He replys and takes my hand. He leads the way to his chambers. Once in side he turns to me and his face goes from normal to concerned.

"What's wrong kitten?" He places his hand on my cheek and I lean into the touch.

"The dream, I didn't make it up. But instead of Tom, it was Dumbledore who did all that to me. Gods Sev, I was so scared to be alone with him in his office." Tears start to fall from my eyes. First there just s few stray ones and he wipes then away with his hand. But then they start to flow out if control and I lose control. He brings he into a tight hug.

"It's alright my little kitten. He won't hurt you I promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep." I say muffled in his chest.

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